Monday, November 24, 2008

Art update.

So my original plan of scanning Herny's artwork as he created it didn't really work out. The pile was getting unruly (and that much uncontained pper around June is really just asking for it), so today's naptime was devoted to scanning. Here's some of the latest masterpieces.

From School:


"Halloween Stamps"

"Glued-on Turkeys"

"Pumpkin with glue squares"
"A Fruit-ful Spirit?"

"I'm a crazy candy corn man. Give me some candy!"

"Turkey" (abstract)

Art from the Science Museum:

Rubbing from the Dinosaur exhibit. Henry is really into dinosaurs these days. Our favorite book is Dinosaurumpus, a story that is about dinosaurs having an all night dance party- obviously. In addition to his love for dinos, Henry likes to mix up words too. So everything is rhymed. We can't say "Dinosaurumpus," we have to say "Dinosaurgunkus." This morning, we went upstairs to get Juners out of bed and Henry just kept yelling "Oboozeegus" over and over. When I finally aked him what he meant, he explained that Oboozeegus means "Mama, Papa, Juner, me!" Pretty cute.

"Giraffe" from Science Storybook.

Art from home:

"Pumpkin" collaboration of Henry and Mama. Henry drew the left eye and the smile.

The famous curious George stamp set and a few finger stamps.

"Dots and Stickers" from the Mama's clever trick collection. I figured out that I can keep Herny occupied for a good 20 minutes if I tell him to make dots all over the paper then cover each dot with a tiny sticker.

Henry's Super Reader certificate. He earned this from playing the online games for SuperWhy. "More Dots and Stickers" I'm really pleased with this one because this is the first drawing where it looks like he's actually trying to stay inside the lines of George instead of just scribbing all over the page. There's hope for Henry's creative side yet.

1 comment:

lesleymac said...


All that I can say is WOW!!!!

Wonderful artwork!

Merry Christmas,