Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday.- Henry

Despite the fact that the Steelers somehow made it into the Super Bowl, we decided to celebrate the end of football season anyway.
We decided to pass the afternoon playing racing games on the Playstation. I was pretty good.
Mister Paul thought I was pretty good.

Mama lifted her ban on yellow cheese product. Once a year, papa lives like a king.

First on the menu is cheeseburger soup.
This soup is so good, it even has ketchup in it.

And we've even got cheese dip. Add a little salsa and it's going to be a great night.

Go Cardinals!


lesleymac said...


That soup sure does look good! Yummy!


Anonymous said...

Why is that not Velveeta, a fine Kraft Foods, Inc. product produced in New Ulm, Minnesota among other places?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it counts as breaking the ban when you buy generic Velveeta!!

HenryParsons said...

It's like you all forgot that I'm the cheapest person in the world. Melt 'N Dip is just as gross as the real stuff.