Saturday, November 1, 2008

A T. Rex is on the loose-Juner.

We've been having some problems lately with a rogue dinosaur that is loose in our house.

It primarily feeds on sleeping victims. And if they are not sleeping, he demands that they go to eat so he can pretend to eat their faces.

Happy Birthday Aunt Elizabeth!

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Today is our Aunt Elizabeth's birthday. We sure with we could be there to help celebrate! It looks like she's having a great day- High School Musical style!

Fun dip and baseball-Henry.

Aunt Jenni sent me some Fun Dip for Halloween. It was great.

I started eating it while mama ran upstairs to get the camera and when she got back, I announced that I had already eaten the stick.
So I had to finish up the dip with my finger. Thanks Aunt Jenni!Mister Paul and Miss Susan came over for supper. I adore them and showed off by taking off my clothes and showing them my baseball skills.
I'm really going to start a revolution in the Majors with the vertical swing.

Here I am in action.