Friday, September 18, 2009

I couldn't stand looking at that spider- Mama.

I couldn't handle looking at that gross spider every time I opened the blog, so here's a quick update and a much nicer picture.

Henry's feeling much better now. He still has a bit of cough and a runny nose, but we proclaimed him healthy enough to go back to school today. He must have felt better because his teacher said he ran around the whole time. He did get a sticker today- for being quiet during circle time! Rumor has it that not many kids got the sticker today. This is really quite an accomplishment for Sir Talks-A-Lot.

Henry's been surprising us at night and during nap time by coming out of his room. But he never comes down stairs. After the first night, we asked what he was doing and he said he was going into the bathroom to blow his nose. Poor kid. We also think there's some illegal book trading going on after hours because June's books keep ending up in Henry's bed. He told me that June gives them to him.

It looks like June is coming down with the cold now. I never understood what Grandma Cooper meant when she said a kid gets sick in the eyes until June came along. She's had seeping, crusty eyes all day. Hopefully, her flu is over as quick as Henry's.