Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Juner continues to have problems sleeping. We think it's a combination of two things. First, every time she wakes up, mama and papa always find her sitting up. Tonight she was up on her knees at the edge of the crib. Mama read that when babies reach developmental milestones, like crawling, or pulling themselves up to a sitting position, they often like doing it so much that it interferes with their sleep. Next, mama was desperate enough to start doping Juner with Baby Tylenol and Oragel. Turns out, her hunch may be right. While slathering Oragel on Juner's gums, she thought she detected a new tooth. But she didn't want to turn on a light to see, as she just wanted June to go to sleep already.

Here's a new skill in action. She really wants in that bathtub.

We like how June keeps her thin waist despite huge legs and big belly. Maybe we've been fastening her diapers too tight.

In addition to the mad amounts of candy I've been raking in, I've also amassed a respectable collection of fake tattoos. Mama didn't feel like fighting when I insisted on putting more on this afternoon. I have a pirate tattoo to commemorate the best Halloween ever. (Whenever I se a skeleton, I insist that it is really Henry with sunglasses on.) June also has a frog tattoo because she likes her costume so much. You can also see that I have a princess tattoo as well. Mama wants to sneak in and write "Mom" underneath it, but I won't let her.

Do you need tickets to the gun show?

And finally, my firetruck tattoo. With all these cool tattoos and my old school Bengals shirt, I am really looking good.

Another Halloween Party- Henry.

Today we got to go to school for a candy party!!!! I love candy!!!
Juner and I dressed up in our costumes and posed for a picture before we got into the serious candy collecting. They had a photo booth just like at prom. Though mama reassured us both that we won't have to take each other to prom. She thinks we'll be able to find dates or at least con our cousins into going with us.

JB mostly crawled around on the floor. We gave her a pretzel to keep her from eating hay.
To earn candy, I had to perform feats of skill and strength. Easy stuff for the Dread Pirate Henry.

June tried her hand at bowling.

Later, I conquered my fear and climbed the big inflatable slide. It was great!

I ended up riding down it three times!Finally, I got to decorate a cookie. Since mama was making me wait until the end to eat my candy, I inhaled this in one bite before she could stop me.

We had tons of fun- especially mama. She loves a good festival.

We didn't even wait until we got home to dig into our booty. Mama let me have some as soon as we got outside. I picked the mini M&Ms, which become quite messy when you're trying to shovel 50 in your mouth at a time.
Juner fell asleep on the way home. Not surprising for a little girl who decided she was up for good at 4am. Mama decided this must not be the baby she ordered and is on the phone trying to trade in for a better baby that actually sleeps.

But once we got home, Jurey turned on the charm.

Where's that little frog going?

Every pirate needs his trusty frog companion.

Here's my best pirate face.

I told June that she really had to be cute to ensure mama didn't get rid of her. this is what she came up with.

Pumpkin Project- Henry.

Every year the students at Wake Forest host the Pumpkin Project, where under privileged kids get to come in have a festival of their own and trick or treat in the dorms. Lucky for us, the faculty is also invited to bring their families. And mama even convinced me to wear my pirate costume! (It took many promises of candy to get it on.)

Juner and I got our picture taken with the Demon Deacon.
Then we went off to play games. Mama loved this game the most. You stomp on a balloon until it pops. Perfect for a two year old.

Next we dug for dinosaur bones like Curious George. But I am a pirate, so I didn't uncover any bones; I uncovered pirate booty- a gold coin. Then I got to trade my coin in for candy!
Finally, we headed over to the cotton candy machine. I had to eat fast so mama wouldn't take it all. She loves cotton candy!

Church Fall Festival- June.

This weekend, we hung around the house and got things cleaned up.

While mama and papa did their tidying, I copped an attitude with my "No autographs please" t-shirt (Thanks Miss Megan).

Then I switched it over to cute with the new t-shirt Aunt Jenni sent me. Henry even likes it because it has candy corn on it.

Later, we had our pick of church festivals to attend for supper. We chose the one where Henry goes to Preschool. It was a great festival with a petting zoo, bingo, bluegrass music and free will donation chili dogs and Cheerwine! We had a great time.

I went in to the festival looking pretty and petite, but came out looking stained and heavy thanks to the chili dogs.

Mama intended this to be a video of me dancing to the band, but I caught sight of her plate and decided I wanted it more.

Henry stayed away from the chili dogs and instead devoured two plates of baked beans. (Mind you, we ate supper before we got to the festival.)

After the baked beans, we headed into the gym where they had three huge inflatable play areas for kids. We tried to get Henry to go up the slide, which looked easiest, but he refused.

So instead we tried to get him to go through the inflatable maze. they asked if he was three, and we lied and said he was, then threw him in as fast as we could. He actually handled himself well.
Then he even made it up the stairs and down the slide.