Sunday, September 12, 2010

Three weeks- June.

It's hard to believe our George is three weeks old, though it does feel like she's always been here.
Mama found a few more outtakes from the dreaded net photo session. In this shot, she doesn't seem quite so mad at mama.
We really wanted a shot of her asleep, but she does not sleep all that soundly and kept waking up whenever we tried to get the shot. I thought 3 week olds were supposed to sleep through anything? Apparently not this one.
And she's wide awake for hours at a time. I guess this house is just too loud for a little girl to get any good sleep. The good news is that she is sleeping great at night (with the help of a tight swaddling blanket and a white noise machine). She's usually awake on and off until 11 or midnight and then gives mama and papa a nice 4-5 hour stretch of sleep. She wakes up, eats, gets a diaper change, then generally goes back to sleep for another 2-3 hours. You can't complain about that. And on Saturday night, she fell asleep at 9:30 and slept all the way until 4am! Mama is very happy and says she'll tolerate nursing every 2 hours during the day if it means more good nights like that.
Georgie's other long stretch of sleep usually occurs in the afternoon when I'm asleep and Henry is down for her quiet time. It's these times when mama feels especially sentimental about her new baby and her other two kids. (Why doesn't she feel that way when we're around her?) During these times, mama is especially taken with George and now we have a ton of what we call "couch pictures" from Georgie's afternoon nap on the couch beside mama. (Poor third kid. They never would have engaged in such risky behavior with Henry.)
Georgie had her three week appointment last Wednesday. She weighed 9 pounds 5 ounces (50th percentile) and was 22 inches long (90th percentile!). Maybe she will end up being the tall one. The doctor said everything else looked great.

We like to compare pictures of all of us as babyies and remark how different Georgie looks. Henry and I both had long, black hair. She's barely got any and it's so light. She looks more and more like Papa every day. Over the weekend, Georgiana's baby acne really started coming in. Here's a good before shot. This might be just mama's newborn honeymoon hormones talking, but she thinks George just has a pleasant expression. She just looks happy to be here.
Most of the time, at least. There must be no one touching her in this photo. She is getting better about not having to be held all the time. In the mornings, we can get her to sit in her bouncy seat for almost a half hour and watch us play- on the condition that she's well fed and has a clean diaper.

We're also so excited that we've finally found a nuk that she'll take. It took four different nuks before we found one that she didn't constantly gag on and spit out in total disgust. We know that some kids just don't take nuks, but mama wasn't taking no for an answer. She says she has a three week limit on being what she calls a "human pacifier." And at that time, you better find a way to soothe yourself. Luckily, the winning nuk squeaked in just under the deadline.

With school started back up, we get a lot of girl time alone together. I really like my little sister and mama and papa melt when I say "Georgie-anna" They need to get a video. It's adorable. Check out Georgie's huge fleece sleep sack. We've mentioned before that she really likes to be warm. But it's still 90+ degrees outside. We've come up with a good solution. She wears her summer clothes outside and when she gets inside, mama bundles her up in the big fleece sack (we've still got the AC blasting inside). It's funny that neither Henry or I ever used these sacks, but mama figures it was because we already had 3 layers on in our infancy in the Wisconsin frozen tundra. It works out well. Georgie is cozy and happy and it's easy to get her out when it's time to head back outside into the furnace. Hasn't anyone told South Carolina that fall starts next week?

To round out the weekend- mama.

We stole a few pictures from the Taller blog that really capture the essence of the weekend. So you might recognize some of them if you ever check out their posts.
This ranks up there with the picture we got from Henry's bible school with Henry's hand down his pants in the class shot.

On Sunday morning, we banished the three oldest kids outside because they decided to form a band. It went well until performance time when everyone wanted to be the star. To distract them, everyone got to take a turn feeding the baby a bottle. Henry has been dying to do this since he found the breast pump in the closet. I have a feeling it has more to do with operating heavy equipment then nurturing his little sister.
Evie took a turn.
Annalise loved feeding the baby.
Even June tried, though she wasn't allowed to hold her.
When the kids really got loud, Uncle Jim, the hero, took the four noisy ones to the park on his own. You're the best!
These kids are crazy!
Thanks for driving all the way down to spend the weekend, Tallers!
On Sunday afternoon, we got a visit from my cousins Andy and Christina. They are expecting a baby early next year and got a rude awakening from these 5 kids.
Don't worry, Miss Christina, yours will start out as a cute, cuddly baby before it turns into a crazy 4 year old.