Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter bunny!- Henry.

In addition to the tons of candy we acquired at the easter egg hunt, we got kites and a chocolate bunny from the Easter bunny.
In our tradition, mama lets us have at our bunnies in one setting and then throws away whatever remains when we pass out from the sugar rush.
This year our bunnies were rather small and hollow. So after our good lunch, mama let us have them.
Good thing they took Junie's dress off, because she attacked her bunny and made a huge mess.
I munched both ends and turned mine into a telescope.
No one would ever know it was me looking through that bunny!
Neither June or I gave up on our bunnies. June even combined hers with a banana for the perfect favor combo. Maybe it's not a surprise June was awake until midnight!

Easter Sunday-June.

On Saturday night, we ventured over to Greensboro to visit our favorite Mister Paul and Mister Susan. we celebrated the Easter vigil with a trip to our favorite barbeque place- Prissy Polly's.
Of course, this is the nicest Easter shot we got of the kids. Sitting on a stranger's step and I'm not even in my Easter dress.
We got a special Easter surprise with our good friend, Mister Scott, drove up from Fort Bragg for the night. That is one tall guy.
The weather was so nice on Sunday that we decided to visit the arboretum. There was a cameraman there from the news station and he took videos of me running around. We forgot to watch the evening news, so I could be famous in Greensboro right now and I don't even know.
The main reason for our trip was to try out the new kites that we got in our baskets. And no, we didn't fly them close to those huge power lines.
While the boys ran ahead, mama and I took our time looking at plants and these huge wind chimes. I want some for our yard.
Mama particularly liked this flower- the Lenten Rose. She thought it was fitting that they were all blooming at Easter.
Too bad mama forgot my sandals to wear with my pretty dress. She's been waiting a while for me to grow into this dress since Aunt Lillie sent it up last year.
I enjoyed looking at the creek under the bridge. Then I tried to climb over and made it up to that middle rung before mama stopped me.
The boys were trying hard to get the kite up in the air. They got it up a few times, but there wasn't much wind to sustain its flight.
I dismissed all the kite flying and went straight for the playground. Don't I look like such a little kid in this picture? I'm not a baby anymore!
Mama got us to sit still for a second on the playground.

When did we get such big feet? This picture is proof that we are the only kids in the world who can repeatedly say "cheese," but never actually smile.
Mister Paul tried his best "cheese" face. He is so funny.
This is the best shot we got all day. Mister Paul is the greatest!
Of course we sat still for a group shot.
Now everybody act goofy.
And a close-up of my cute round teeth.
My new favorite trick is pretending to be a baby. First, an adult must cradle me like I've seen them hold little babies. Next, I carefully fold my hands together and put them up to my face. Then I quietly say "Waa. Waa. Waa" in a monotonous tone. It really brings down the house.
Before we left mama wanted one more try for a good Easter picture. Henry was ready.
Unfortunately, I started crying as soon as they set me down. Mama and Papa felt pretty bad when they picked me up and realized they set me on top of a pile of ants. I got bit a few times, but some hydrocortisone cream and a nap made everything better.

We left for home at 9pm. Papa hoped it would be late enough that we would all be tired and fall asleep. Too bad I've given up sleeping in the car. Henry fell asleep at 10, but I held out until midnight.