This is our last post... until Uncle Kevin and Aunt Elizabeth update their blog. Natalie, Oliver, and Tessa, please update your blog! We hate to punich everyone, but mama is suffering from severe withdrawal.
Mama wants to know, does everyone else's house have a one inch layer of magnet, coasters and other small toys? They're my favorite toys. Today I spent 15 minutes placing a button in different rooms of my doll house. It's gotten so bad recently that I need to wear Buster's boots to slog through the mess.
Last night, mama and Henry celebrated summer with some sweet corn. Henry was refusing to eat supper until he saw the ears of corn.
This morning mama was outside talking to our neighbors when I wandered off. They could see me sitting behind a bush, so they didn't bother me, because I wasn't running into the street. When mama fished me out, she saw I'd been digging a hole in the dirt. This picture doesn't do much justice to my filth, but make sure to zoom in on it so you can see how covered I am.
Finally, here's a funny story about Henry. This morning, Gracie came to pick him up for school. They were strapped in the back seat of Miss Becky's car when they drove my a rabbit that had met its demise in front of our driveway. Gracie told Henry "Look at that squished bunny. It must be a dog toy." Henry responded in a matter of fact way: "That's not a toy. It ran out in front of a car. It's dead Gracie." Apparently, Gracie was lost for words. What a realist Henry is.