Thursday, March 18, 2010

Army construction- June.

After she forgot to dress anyone in green for St. Patrick's Day, mama thought she ought to do something to make up for it. After all, St. Patrick himself sneaked into Henry's classroom, messed everything up, but did leave gold chocolate coins behind. Maybe it was leprechauns. This is a new tradition mama has never herd of, but seems to be quite popular in elementary schools this year.

So for supper, she made a Shepard's pie, completely from scratch, including homemade gravy, which for the first time, turned out delicious and not lumpy. Finally, something from the south worked! Mama started to worry that maybe Shepard's pie is English and not Irish, so she continued her false Irish pretenses and dyed everyone's drinks green. Though she thought the Shepard's pie was delicious, no one else seemed to like it. I ate the corn and peas. Henry was mad because he likes apple pie and this was nothing like apple pie.

Last night, mama brought the camera upstairs because, while Henry was dressed in his jammers, I was wearing this...
We found this in the box of clothes Sadie sent down. It was clearly too small, but mama can't resist the urge to dress up small defenseless children in ridiculous outfits.

In her defense, I felt quite pretty in my Snow white ice skating costume, even if it was mere millimeters from flashing too much chest and winding me up on a celebrity fashion blog.

Here's a pretty unsuccessful video of mama trying to get me to say some of my words. She did get me to say "Sadie" and "nuk." Mama loves it when I wake up crying at night and ask "nuk, nuk, nuk" in a very pitiful voice.

We also don't want to seem too boastful, but we're almost certain I will beat Henry's potty training age of 3 and a half. Yesterday, I was playing in the toy room when I ran into the kitchen, pointed at my diaper and said "I pooped." Mama was very proud.

In our nightly effort to stall bedtime, Henry and i set up a dance party which included spinning and making Curious George jump.

A while back, I asked PawPaw to send me pictures of the construction equipment he uses in Iraq. He came through with around 20 really action shots that were so good mama printed them out to put in his album. Henry liked them so much he refused to take a video speaking anything but gibberish. Mama said he could take the pictures to school to show his friends. But Henry was adamant that he didn't want them at school because he didn't want to lose them and he liked them too much to lose. Thanks for sending the awesome pictures Pawps!