Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa Seibert- June.

Like George said, Grandma and Grandpa Seibert rolled in on Sunday.
Henry got his camera out and took a picture of Grandpa with Georgie. He's also discovered the video mode on the camera. Today he took a 17 minute video of Georgie sleeping before he filled up the video card. At least we found something that kept him quiet and still for 17 minutes.
Grandma sure likes her newest granddaughter. Did we mention she's the sixth girl? The two boys are never going to catch up with the girls.
One of the presents Georgiana brought Henry was a Dick and Jane book. Henry loves that he can read it and will read it anytime there's a request. He read Grandpa about 8 pages.
When I wake up every morning, my first question is "Where's baby Georgie?"
Grandma asked "Where's baby June?" I said "No baby June. Big girl."
This picture makes mama want to cry. Buster sure loves holding his little sister.
Before I was born, Henry would tell everyone "Mama will take care of the baby and I'll take care of June." Today, he finished cleaning up the toys and vacuuming for mama and declared "I think I'll just take care of everyone."
With Henry in charge of things, it gives the rest of us time to relax and catch up on cuddling.

Photo shoot- Georgie.

Grams and PawPaw left to go back to Ohio on Saturday, leaving us all alone. Luckily, our neighbors had a party, so we headed over there for free food and margaritas. I got cuddled by all the moms. Henry found three other 4 year old boys to play with. And June found two 7 year old girls who spent the entire evening guarding her on the playground and entertaining her. Mostly, mama and papa loved spending three hours uninterrupted. We had so much fun that we all stayed out until 10 pm.
On Sunday, we spent the day catching up on sleep. We had a great 2 hours when everyone in the house slept. Hopefully this continues after I stop sleeping 18 hours a day. But we'll take it while we can.
During the quiet time, mama took the opportunity to set up a photo shoot. We took these on Sunday, and I already look different. You'll be glad to know that I'm filling out and I'm not so splotchy anymore. Mama's going to have to work on keeping this blog updated.
I'm a pretty content baby. One of mama's favorite things about me is how I act when I'm waking up or falling asleep. Usually, I spend a few minutes looking around with just one eye open. On the sleeping front, no one can really complain. I'm up until around midnight. We all go to sleep and I wake up 3 or 4 times to nurse between midnight and 9 or 10. but mama doesn't mind because after I nurse, I go straight back to sleep. And last night, I slept 6 hours straight, making it the longest stretch of sleep mama has gotten in about 4 months.
I don't like to be put down. Luckily, there are lots of people to hold me all the time. We'll see if mama can keep it up when everyone leaves. Mama read somewhere once that a newborn is used to being held 24 hours a day, so any time not being held is a big adjustment. It also helps that mama has a sling.
Good news on the belly button front! Yesterday, we spent the morning at the dock park. It was a little cooler, but still very muggy, so mama unbuttoned the legs on my sleeper. When we got back to the car, Grandma noticed that my cord fell off! We never found it, so it must be somewhere in the park. Papa says I'm instantly more likable without that gross blue thing.
I'm breaking mama's heart with how much I'm changing. Yesterday, I started making cute cooing sounds. And today, mama noticed that I was moving my eyes around looking for everyone.
But most of the time I just look like this.