Monday, July 26, 2010

My first sewing project- Henry.

Mama's been using her nesting energy and insomnia to her advantage and has been sewing like crazy lately. And I have been desperate to try out the sewing machine myself.
And check out mama's new machine. She got it from Grams and PawPaw for Christmas. This has been a little bit of a sore spot for mama and papa. Mama previously used a sewing machine that papa got her when they were dating (he even got up at 5am on Black Friday to buy it for her). Papa's a little hurt that mama got rid of it, but mama assured him that she used that machine to its full capacity and it is now completely used up. So much that she hasn't sewn hardly anything since we left Wisconsin. So it is nice to have a machine that works again.
I bugged her so much about helping her sew that she finally caved in and said we could do a project together. I closely examined all the fancy stitches and picked out the perfect one.
And this is what we made! It's a dinosaur pillowcase for June's tiny pillow.
While mama held the fabric, it was my job to push the pedal to control the stitching. I didn't want to use my foot, so I put it on the table and used my hands instead. You can tell when I had fun playing with the speed of the stitching, but overall mama thought I did very well. And June likes her new pillow too. She refuses to sleep on it, but mama does find her baby doll propped up on it and covered with a blanket every morning.