Monday, August 2, 2010

Truck Day at Chick-fil-A- June.

Let it be known that we can't say enough about Chick-fil-A. Their food is beyond delicious; they have an awesome indoor playground; and they are constantly handing out free food coupons. But now we have two more reasons to love them. First, they are frequently sponsoring some kind of theme day in order to hand out free food. for example, a few weeks ago, they hosted "Cow Appreciation Day." If you dressed like a cow (we taped spots to our shirts), you got a free combo! And that was for everyone! $20 of free chicken is enough to make mama love you forever.
The second reason we love Chick-Fil-A is because the two local franchises host a ton of family events. Last Saturday was Truck Day in Seneca. They had the local fire department out to show off their fleet. Henry took his own truck to join in the fun.
I got my own hard hat and went to work in the sand boxes. Mama really wanted us to play in the water they were spraying from the back of the truck, but neither of us would go in. Even though it was 100 degrees and we were standing on the blacktop for a long time.
The Seneca FD also brought out their fire safety education trailer and we got to see a demonstration about fire safety in our homes. We've since installed two more smoke detectors in the house and mama and papa are doing some research on the best way talk to us about what to do in case of an emergency. Any suggestions on good websites or resources?

Here's a funny story from later that morning. It got too hot for mama to stand in that parking lot, so we decided to visit a local toy store. Since this baby is coming soon, mama thought it might get us in the spirit if we picked out a present for the baby. When we got to the store, they had a train set up, so we spent the first 30 minutes playing with that. Finally, mama convinced us to stop playing and start looking for a present. She was not pleased at all when I plopped myself down in front of the horse display and wouldn't budge. Henry, on the other hand, tried to be a little more discreet. He (unsuccessfully) tried to convince mama and papa that a new model train set would be the perfect gift for a baby- in four and a half years. How convenient. Mama gave up and instead let Henry pick from a predetermined set of toys that she had chosen online. This time, he picked the right one and everyone was happy.