Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day- Henry.

We're taking a break from our normal blogging in observance of today's holiday.

To commemorate Memorial Day, we wanted to honor our favorite veteran in a way he would appreciate. So PawPaw, in your honor...
...mama vacuumed out the van.
That is some dirt-free interior. Mama also spent the day painting Gram's Adirondack chair yellow. Mama's figured out that a sure fire way to get out of watching her own kids is to do work for Grams. And things are actually kind of nice when you're sitting in a garage painting a chair and drinking a cold O'Douls. No wonder papa always starts mowing the lawn at 7:30 pm. (And in case you're wondering, just like every other national holiday, papa worked today. What is it with you academics? Why must you always schedule conferences or workdays on days that are recognized with cookouts?)

Here's one last gift for you, Pawps. You may have already seen this video as it is all over the interwebs, but mama and papa think it is pretty funny. We all know that the creators were thinking of mama and papa when they wrote this song. I bet you all wish you were driving a Sienna right now too.

Back at GGs- Henry.

While mama and papa were out living it up downtown all weekend, we were back in North Olmsted with GG and GG and Grams.
The weather was nice, so we headed out to the garden. Junie played on the swing.
Grams brought out fish food so we could feed the big fish in her pond.
Hold on, GG!
GG Gramps and I found an old pedal tractor that's been underneath the shed out back for 25 years. We cleaned it up and it runs as good as new. I seriously logged about 20 hours on this tractor.
June explored the wildlife.
When mama and papa stopped over with the 601 guys, Miss Liz commented on how fair we managed to keep June's skin even in the South (she used to live in Israel, so she understands our pain). Mama was very pleased with herself that someone noticed our porcelain complexions.
When we weren't out riding the tractor, GG Gramps and I hung out on the porch sipping our coffee.
June preferred to stay inside and admire GG Grams snow baby collection.

Here are more shots from the metropark that mama downloaded from Gram's camera. Check out mama at 29 weeks.
Look at June's big catch!
I spent some time velcroing animals to their habitats.
Grandma Seibert, get ready for hair cuts. These two kids have a lot of hair in their eyes.

Cleveland tourists- Henry.

For our summer trip home, mama said she wanted to see Cleveland. We're there over the holidays visiting family, but we never seem to make it out of the house to see anything. So we decided to stick around for a few days and do the tourist thing.
With downtown out of the way, we headed out to the metroparks on Monday. There was a fun nature center to play in.
Then we headed out to the trails. Mama and I climbed 135 steps (I counted) to the top of the bluffs over the river.

For the fist time in my life, I willingly posed for a picture.
Here's the view from half way down. In the time it took for us to ascend and descend the steps, we got passed 3 times by some guys running the steps.
GG spotted this frog on our nature walk.
We had a great time looking for wildlife. Junie's running to see some tadpoles in this shot.
The wildlife was cool, but June mostly wanted to pick up stones, even if they were all the way behind her.
She got a little tired towards the end of the half mile hike, so I walked with her.
Best friends.
Back at the center, June and I spent some time contemplating the earth and finding our reserves of strength. Maybe they's why we couldn't close our mouths.