Monday, September 27, 2010

Glamour shots- Georgie.

Mama found a few more outfits from the "Becky collection" that she wanted to put me in before it was too late.
This is the baptism gown Grandma made mama when she was a baby. Mama was baptized when she was only 10 days old, so she wanted to stuff me in it while I was still small enough.
The arm holes are actually so small that Grandma ripped part of the seam so June could put it on when she was a baby. After this little photo shoot, mama sewed the seams back up. I guess this means she's not saving the dress for any more fat-armed little girls.
There's someone up there, isn't there? Don't let him jump on me!
We finally got a real smile on camera! I had a huge dirty diaper while mama was taking pictures and she was terrified of what yellow baby poop might do to a white 29 year old dress, so I had a quick change. Maybe it's easy to catch a smile on the changing table because I do not like having a dirty diaper and love getting changed into a nice, dry diaper.
Next outfit- mama's tiny little white stork sleeper. But by this point, I was tired and didn't want my picture taken.
Mama had a heck of a time finding this sleeper. She had it out before I was born, but then it got misplaced.
She searched the whole house and finally found it in a bin of Henry's old clothes she put in the attic. She was so happy she found it that I've worn it twice this week.
Don't I look sweet? But don't be fooled. I don't like to sleep on my own without being touched.
The only way mama can get me to take a nap on my own is to wrap me up in my fancy swaddling blanket (it even has built in arm restraints!) as tight as she can get me. This can normally buy her around 5 minutes before I wake up and demand to be held. But on Saturday afternoon, I did sleep for almost 4 hours. Alleluia!

I'll have mine with a side of George- June.

Mama, we know she can't roll over yet, but is this really the best place to keep a baby?
Fine, just don't let her put a foot in my "butter-jelly."
I love playing with my "Een-steins" as the Little Einsteins are known around our house. I line them up and name them: "Leo... Annie..Een-stein...Een-stein." Those two little black-haired girl is also named June, so we have a good deal of Little Einsteins stuff (and mama doesn't find them terribly annoying like some other shows). But I don't like that June has my name, so she is just called "Een-stein."
No new news on my foot. I'm taking my medicine and it's still about the same. It's not bothering me, except that I walk slower.

(Side note: We're not going to complain about a sore foot, because there are some pretty major kid injuries going on out there in the blog world right now. Broken arms, broken legs, braces on 3 year olds?!?!? Take it easy, blog friends!)
Last week, we went out for pizza. Papa fed me a slice without cutting it up. I love it! Then we went to a soccer game at the University. At every meal since, I've requested "pizza and soccer game."
Henry's got a computer game that he plays called "Jump Start Kindergarten." He's played it this summer, but only just recently discovered that there are missions you have to go on that involve earning gems, then using the gems to buy things to accomplish the mission. Some of the things he has to do is earn gems to buy a pet, food, shampoo, and teach it tricks. His pet is a blue pig named Blossom. He also bought seeds, plant food, and a special light and grew flowers to plant in a flower bed. He loves this game.
Where's that baby now? Mama thinks this picture with the bright flash and the look on Georgie's face makes it looking like a shocking celebrity caught in the act of something scandalous. But the only scandalous thing Georgie might do is get the sheets dirty. Get a diaper on that kid!

On Saturday morning, papa took Henry and John to Lowes for the Build and Grow clinic. If you've never been to one, it's good free fun and kids get to build something on their own with great little kits with precut pieces and pre-drilled holes for nails and kid sized tools. I was MAD when I was not allowed to go.
Henry built a little stage and put on a show that featured Lowe's workers and aliens. (He didn't actually put on a show, but had a fun time arranging them on the stage.)
Papa promised them that if they were good they could go out for doughnuts. We didn't know that there would be fire trucks and the fire safety truck on display at Lowes. So by the time they got back from the grocery store, it was almost noon. Mama tried to fortify our lunch doughnuts with some apples, cheese, carrots and yogurt. But guess what was the only item to get eaten in it's entirety? Sorry, Miss Juliet, for sugaring John up and sending him home.
They brought home a doughnut for me too. I took the unorthodox "no-hands" method. Pretty messy for a cream-filled doughnut.

After lunch, I closed myself in the office and read books until mama made me take a nap.