Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday.- Henry

Despite the fact that the Steelers somehow made it into the Super Bowl, we decided to celebrate the end of football season anyway.
We decided to pass the afternoon playing racing games on the Playstation. I was pretty good.
Mister Paul thought I was pretty good.

Mama lifted her ban on yellow cheese product. Once a year, papa lives like a king.

First on the menu is cheeseburger soup.
This soup is so good, it even has ketchup in it.

And we've even got cheese dip. Add a little salsa and it's going to be a great night.

Go Cardinals!

Saturday at the park- Henry.

Yesterday was so nice, mama said we had to get out of the house, so we headed down the street to the playground.
I got to the park and decided to move some sand around.

We were all surprised to see that June wanted to play in the sand without eating it.

Our friend, Mister Doug, drove up from Fort Bragg to spend the weekend with us. He impressed us with the fact that he drives a motorcycle, and rides in army trucks and helicopters.

I tried to explain the details of excavation to Juner, but she just wanted to knock down my mountain.

Mister Doug appointed himself as chief nose wiper for the weekend. Apparently his standards are so high he doesn't want to get nose kisses from June all the time. The rest of us are used to it.