Saturday, January 23, 2010

Another sick week- Henry.

As soon as we got the stomach bug behind us, we all came down with colds.
Poor Juner got the brunt of it. She's been miserable all week long.
She's been running for three days (none today though) and has just been grumpy all day long.
I've got a cold, too, with a cough that I never forget to mention when mama is handing out medicine. Because June has had such a bad week, everyone is on edge. That means I've been whining more, and mama and papa have taken a hard line on it. So I've spent a lot of in time-out. Mama must have been feeling bad because on Friday she let me get my play-do out, even though she hates how messy it is. But I might finally be old enough to play with it by myself for a long time without making a total mess, so we might get it out more.
Friday was another bad day for Juner. She spent all day crying. When papa got home, she was glad to get a sympathetic hug. The sympathy didn't last long, though, because June slept about 3 hours last night, and only in 2 minute spurts. Mama and papa were up all night with her. And all night, she just didn't want to be in bed. She'd stand up, throw her blankie and nuk and cry to get out. She did this all night until about 6 am when mama took her into her room (papa retreated into bed with me) and let her cry for an hour. Just when mama smelled that June had a dirty diaper, June fell instantly asleep until 11am. Mama felt bad, but wasn't about going to wake her up now that June was actually asleep.

It was just the start to a bad day for our family. Mama and papa were tired and slept on the couches while I watched BBC dinosaur documentaries. Mama was grumpy because she hasn't been working out this week, and she needs her workouts to stay happy. Then she got upset because we all smelled so bad because we haven't had baths in a week (after all the pooping and the barfing, she didn't want us taking baths until she'd cleaned them). She decided that we all needed to get out of the house, so we all pulled on our grossest looking sweats and baseball caps. Then we proceeded to become "those" people that lead others to stop shopping at Walmart. I tried my best to just barely miss hitting everyone we passed with the shopping cart. June threw a fit and ran away. And mama dropped a gallon of milk in the checkout line, spilling it everywhere. But this was only after she declared that if she "had to go through this pregnancy without non-alcoholic beer and starbursts," then she didn't want to do it. Then she turned around and saw a woman laughing out loud and probably taking her picture with her cell phone to post on the "People of Walmart" website.
Mama did get the bathtubs cleaned so we could take baths tonight. I think mama was still upset with Juner for last night, and she decided to cut her hair. She's tired of trying to brush long hair and June hates it all in her face when it's not clipped back at night in bed. Mama cut it with Juner squirming and crying, so we'll she how straight it is when we see it dry in the morning. If all else fails, we'll have Grandma Seibert fix it when she comes down in a couple weeks.