Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday- Juner.

Today while Henry was at school. Mama and I went to the grocery store. Mama has decided to move on from the normal cans of fruit and has now stepped up to buying the 7 pound can of peaches. It's much cheaper this way and we can go through a can in less than a week between the 4 of us. While mama was unpacking the groceries, I spent some time going through my favorite drawer.

Yes! Elton John is my favorite!

Henry has been worried about me getting to his toys, so mama set him up behind the chair. Then they set up things so I couldn't get through. So far, the play table keeps me occupied enough that I don't whine too much about not getting to Henry's train. Little does Bubba know that when he was still asleep this afternoon, I snuck in and caused a huge train accident.

Tonight we lured Henry into the bathtub with the promise of opening up the new soap paint. He had a good time lathering himself up.

He even painted me a bi until he decided to put makeup on me and painted my eye blue. I was not very happy.

He and mama had a great time mixing colors. By the time mama put the paints away the bathwater was a lovely shade of gray, but there were lots of bubbles.

Mama thinks it's very funny that I refuse to hold a bottle, but I have no problem whatsoever filling up a cup and guzzling as much bathwater as possible before she takes it away.

That's the good stuff.

Mama told Henry that he had 2 minutes to play before it was time to wash up, but he told her he was too busy with his work. Tonight his work involved trickling water into a larger cup in the hopes of collecting all the bubbles.

This afternoon we were very pleased to hear the loudspeaker over at the soccer field across the street. Mama took us over and we were introduced to our very first winter track meet. We're not quite sure the difference between winter and spring track, but we think the races are shorter, as we watch many 55 yard sprints. As a former distance runner, mama tried to explain to Henry the nuances of long distance relays, but he was more interested in the hurdlers and high jumpers. He was worried that the high jumpers were hurting themselves when they fell down on the big blue pillow. He was speechless when he saw the pole vaulters. We thought it was funny how you could immediately tell how good a runner was based on their uniform. The Tabor girls relays wore long tights and slick little tops and easily beat a few boys teams in the 4x800 (they ran boys and girls together-genius). The Tabor boys team, on the other hand, wore long baggy shorts and loose tops and looked oddly like like how we pictured Grandpa Seibert when he ran track (about 6'2" and 130 pounds). They didn't do so well in the race. Mama cheered most for them because she remembers how awful it was to run the 2 mile race at a track meet and not be very good at it. The best runner we saw, though, wore a shorts singlet and he won the 55 meter dash easily by 3 seconds. We were really impressed and think he's probably part of a state winning team.

The track meet was fun but both Henry and I agreed it was not as exciting as a football or soccer game. Plus, they don't open the concession stand at track meets. When we said that, mama got huffy and said that it was because everyone loves the football team and no one recognized the track or cross country team for all the hard work. She then spent the rest of the afternoon grumbling about football players and how we'll learn when we realize we've inherited her athletic prowess and get cut from the volleyball team in 7th grade.