Thursday, September 17, 2009

The flu- June.

Yesterday, we just hung out at home, because Henry came down with the flu and couldn't go to school. He had a nasty cough that kept everyone up most of the night and a fever. We don't think it was the big one because he's already feeling better today thanks to some powerful cough medicine. Mama is hoping for H1N1 to hit soon, because it's inevitable that we'll get it thanks to the fact that we are going to be regularly exposed to the germs of a preschool and a college campus (that already has over 150 confirmed cases). She figures we should just get in now while we still have our summer strength instead of this winter when we're compromised by harsh 50 degree temperatures.

Mama walked into the living room to big this doozy of a spider last night. We tried to find a ruler, but had to use this pencil for reference. That is terrifying huge.

`Here's papa ready to pounce on the kill. This spider was fast and ran under the mama was standing on before mama could catch it. The exterminators come tomorrow morning.
Mama needed a picture of Henry to send to his school. She was looking through our archives when she realized that we only have pictures of Henry looking down at his workbooks or toys or acting goofy with someone else. We had to go back to early August to find a picture of Henry in a truck that worked, even though Henry wasn't looking at the camera.
This one is nice, if you don't count that Henry is standing with his hands down the back of his underpants. Why are they on inside out, you ask? Because this morning, mama was upstairs getting me dressed (I slept in until 9). She could here me downstairs yelling, but was choosing to ignore the old fashioned Seibert intercom system. When we got downstairs, we were surprised that Henry was in the bathroom washing his hands. He went to the potty all by himself! We were impressed because Henry suffered from "I can't pull up my my pants by myself" syndrome. He got his pants and underpants back on, but mama had to take this picture when they were getting dressed and she saw his underpants were on inside out. All that matters is that they're on, right?