Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day- Henry.

Mama says that the craft bug bit me.
I've been painting a lot lately. Mama was nervous about it, but I'm pretty good about not making a mess and staying in the lines on my coloring pages.

On Saturday, we exercised our independence but eating all American food all day long. The morning started out with me and mama making Scotcheroos (sugar, peanut butter, corn syrup, and rice krispies, topped with butterscotch and chocolate chips. Yum!).
Then we made some all American goofy faces.
Here are the scothceroos minus the scotch. I made my own little pan.

Then we packed up some all American PB&Js and headed to the Train museum (American!).

We rode the train, toured the roundhouse, rode the turntable (the operator went around twice for us!) and finished out our visit with a trip to the gift shop to play with the Thomas train set.

We came home and all took a patriotic nap. Then our friends Mister Paul and Miss Susan came over for an All-American cookout- hot dogs, watermelon, jello, and beer. Things got a little un-American when mama pulled out brats and sauerkraut and papa said it had just morphed into a Wisconsin party. Then we all went down to the pool for a few hours. Let me just say, the pool is much more fun when the kids don't outnumber the adults. Afterwards, we came back for some popsicle refreshment on the deck.

Juner really liked hers.

Mine was good too. We all clinked our popsicle together for "cheers," except Miss Susan because she worked with an H1N1 patient at the hospital that day and didn't want to risk it. Then we all got dressed and drove to Lewisville for the fireworks. It was a pretty good show for a small town. And it worked out perfectly because we were able to cruise into town about 10 minutes before the show started and got back out through the country without hitting any traffic. Juner and I both liked the show especially because Miss Susan brought us ring pops. Juner was pumped because she's seen me eat them before, but has never had one of her own. I spent the whole show asking everyone what their favorite fireworks were. I liked the red ones.

On Sunday we had a quiet morning because we were up so late the night before. We all worked on the new sticker book I got from the train museum.

And we finished the day with a little Rock Band. I told papa that I would hit all the orange notes and he could get the rest.

Audrey is 1- Juner.

Last week, our friend Audrey turned one.
We like Audrey a lot, but Papa doesn't want to hold her or kiss her because she looks a little too much Mister Andy.

Miss Estelle made Audrey this huge cupcake.
This is the best family whot we could get of Miss Becky, Mister Andy, Audrey and Gracie.

Mama got Audrey this special birthday hat and bib and made her wear it while she ate her cake.

I got a piece too, but I wasn't interested in eating it. I just wanted to get out in the yard and get dirty.

I think this was Audrey's second piece.
Buster and Gracie had fun playing on the double swing. They were going so high, it had the whole playset shaking. Mama doesn't like that swing too much and was waiting for someone to fall off.
Mama took off my clothes because I was getting too messy in the yard. So instead I ate a ton of watermelon and rolled in the dirt.

Check out the dirt on these faces.

Best friends. I think they were wrestling over who got the beer. Lucky for mama and papa, Miss Becky let us all take baths at their house so we could go home clean. Thanks for inviting us to celebrate Audrey's big day!