Saturday, November 15, 2008

Some videos-Juner.

Aunt Jenni must be taking the Minnesota loss to the Badgers (2 safeties in the 4th quarter? Really?). So true to our bet (win- you get Juner, lose-you get Juner), here's a sneak peak to what you've got coming.

All I want to do is stand up- all the time. And scream. You'll notice that I also have a new sound. Now I can also say "Bababa" in addition to my pterodactyl screech.

When mama put us to bed tonight, we were not interested in sleeping. And the worst thing possible has happened- we've become really good friends. Which means we spend a good half hour yelling at each other before bed. Well, I stand up and scream while Henry lays in bed talking to me, but hoping mama won't come in and take away his flashlight.

Quote of the day: Tonight while mama ws helping Henry brush his teeth and washed his face becuase it was covered in the chocolate chips that papa snuck him. He asked what she was doing, to which she replied "I'm washing your face off." Henry exclaimed "Leave my face on!"

Make-up post- June.

Now that mama is only engaged with her domestic pursuits, she has overextended herself in the Christmas craft department, so she's been slacking on the blog updates. We apologize and we won't let it happen again.

It's been a pretty calm week, but lots of fun things have happened!

We went to Target and saw that the dollar spot had sheets of Car Movie tattoos, so we bought a ton and mama intends to use them as bribes to get Henry potty trained. He did give it a fair shot the other night when he sat on the potty for about 10 minutes. Nothing happened, but he did get a new Lightning McQueen tat for the effort. If this actually works, Henry could be the most decorated little boy this side of the Mason Dixon line.

Also, we'd like to send a big thank you out to Miss Leah for these awesome overalls. We were very glad to see they finally fit Henry and he insisted on wearing them no less than 4 times this week.

I discovered that mama has a stash of water bottles on the bottle shelf of the refrigerator. So my newstrategy is to crawl over there and wedge myself in the door before anyone can shut it and pull as many bottles down as i can.

Unfortuantely, mama is energy conscious so I never get to play very long. I can't wait until i can stand up and pull down a couple of those MGD 64's. I hear they are the Lite Champagne of Beers.

Mama felt pretty smug this week when she brought home a Sharon fruit from the grocery store. I guess it is from Israel.
It looks like a tomato, is firm like a crisp apple and taste like a mix between a peach and a honeydew. Henry liked his dipped in yogurt.

Henry got his birthday present early- a new car seat. Now I can get out of that infant seat and into the luxurious big kid seat Henry uses.

There's a funny story behind the car seat. And now that it's over, mama said I can tell it to you. Mama ordered the seat off (good price and free shipping), but in her haste, had it shipped to our old house in Wisconsin. She didn't catch this until she checked the tracking and saw that it had already been delivered. She called up to see if there was anyway they could give her a break on the shipping because it would cost almost as much as the car seat itself to ship down here (why couldn't she have made this mistake with something small- like a book?). Well, the good people at were gracious enough to ship the Wisconsin car seat back for free and sent out a new one for us the same day. Now that is service. Consider this out official endorsement of
I'm continuing to work on my standing skills, although it's nothing compared to the 9 steps my cousin Sadie took on her birthday (you had better post a video of that!)

My favorite place to practice is still the bathtub ledge. Today I crawled in and gave papa a little surprise!

Finally, here's a video of Henry playing with his car launcher. We especially like that the cars beep when they back up. That was probably one of Henry's first tricks when he was just one. And he still refuses to refer to anything as "backing up." To him they are all "beep beeping."

On Wisconsin-Henry.

We were informed that we are putting our Wisconsin roots to shame, because we didn't remember that the battle for Paul Bunyan's Axe was today. So in honor of the birthplace of the two better members of our family, here's the lyrics to the fight song (we usually just sang "On Wisconsin, on wisconsin" over and over until the song was over.)

On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Plunge right through that line!
* Run the ball clear down the field,
* A touchdown sure this time. (U rah rah)
On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Fight on for her fame
Fight! Fellows! - fight, fight, fight!
We'll win this game.

On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Stand up, Badgers, sing!
"Forward" is our driving spirit,
Loyal voices ring.
On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Raise her glowing flame
Stand, Fellows, let us now
Salute her name!

And here's our own YouTube tributes. This kid isn't even a Wisconsin fan, but he knows a great team when he sees one.

Next, is a particularly rousing montage. It's makes up miss Madison is little more when we see these fun loving people raise their voices in song.

In honor of the big game, mama has decided to go out and get the fixings for our favorite Wisconsin drink- the Old Fashioned. We'll be living it up tonight. Special thanks to Mr. Kyle for his guidance on the proper way to make an Old Fashioned and to Miss Sara for always making the Old Fashioned fun.