Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What a handsome baby- Henry.

June has been getting better about keeping her hair barrette in her hair lately. Which is good, because mama was about 3 days away from cutting bangs.
With all her hair out of her face, we were able to see a nice bruise on Juner's forehead (probably a product of not walking, but climbing on everything). We were also able to see all the new teeth cutting through her gums. Just like me, she looks like she's going to get them all in just a few months time. We especially look that big molar in the back.
We used to think June was quite pretty, but now we're afraid that she's reached monster mode.

Tonight we went to a place called the Little Gym, because mama got a gift certificate for a free month of gymnastics classes (a very loose term for 3 year olds). While I was in my class, mama, papa Juner waited outside where June did her best to make friends with all the other parents and kids and mooch as many pretzels off of strangers as she could get.
I had a great time at the class. Most of the kids did a great job following the instructions of running around and going through the obstacle course of the balance beam and parallel bars. I mostly stood with my fingers in my mouth and slowly walked behind the crowd. I did like it when they blew up the big inflatable trampoline.
Hopefully all the kids liked me, but they might think I'm a little weird in this outfit. Mama put this shirt on me without realizing that it was a bit too small. Then I wanted to wear my rain boots because I can put them on by myself (a surprising twist from a kid who has never had any interest in dressing himself). Looks like mama needs to find some shoes that I can put on myself and that are a more seasonally appropriate.