Wednesday, November 3, 2010

We're taking a short break from our regular programming...

Mama here. And it's time to dust off my soapbox for a few minutes.

Today I had the great pleasure of visiting my dermatologist for the second time this fall. First time was to get 5 moles removed. This time was to get a larger portion of tissue removed after one biopsy came back positive for "abnormal cells." This means that my mole may or may not eventually turn into skin cancer. So to play it safe, my doctor removed all the tissue surrounding that area. I don't want to get too graphic, but it's not fun afternoon when your doctor has to ground you so he can cauterize your wound shut then give you 10 stitches. This is serious stuff people!

Most of us grew up before we knew how important it was to wear sunblock and exercise caution in the sun. Still, I got on the boat for skin care before I was 20. But at 29, I'm already at high risk for skin cancer.

So everyone out there, please lather on that sunblock. And lather up your kids- even if they hate it. You don't have to have a porcelain veneer like the Seiberts and Turners to get burnt. And you don't have to get burnt to get sun damage.

And here's a helpful link with a nice easy way to check your skin for any suspect pigmentation.

I don't mean to preach, but I like you. And I want you to stick around for a while. Now I'll put my soapbox away for a while- or at least until I see another college kid riding a moped on the highway without a helmet while texting. Don't get me started.