Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Coming Attraction-Mama.

We've been alluding to it for a while now and are starting to get inquiring phone calls.
Turner#5 is expected for arrival in mid-August. I had an ultrasound today and though we were all a little sad we weren't having twins (okay, just me), we did get a peak at this handsome fellow (or lady). If you can make it out, it's curled up in a ball facing right, with a little arm and leg sticking out. And if I'm not mistaken, it looks like it's brain is already enormous. This one is going to be the physicist- I already know it.

At 10 weeks, I'm felling great, though exhausted. I require naps every afternoon, which means don't call me between 2 and 4 because I'm not going to pick up the phone (Aunt Jenni). I also haven't had much of an appetite, which means we're eating many more frozen pizzas than usual-to everyone's delight. But, as with both previous pregnancies, I do crave artificially flavored fruit products and have been enjoying my secret stash of Fruit Roll-Ups, something that never crossed our doorstep until now.

Everyone has a name for the baby already. We call it Gus. Aunt Jenni varies between Mariah and Dixie. Uncle Kevin calls it Cap'n Jack. Evie named it Mike Anderson.

Henry has some great questions about the baby. After a talk about how the baby is birthed, he is very concerned that I might drop it while I'm using the toilet, so he often reminds me to be careful. He also went through a time when every time we announced a treat or surprise, he'd scream "Is it the new baby?" Unfortunately, babies take a LONG time to grow.