Sunday, September 19, 2010

Happy Month Day!- George.

Yesterday, I was one month old!
I am so alert! It's getting hard for mama and papa to get me to sleep during the day. Unless I'm being held of course.
Mama continues to think I have a very pleasant disposition, despite the fact that I may be the fussiest of her 3 babies. She is continually reminded of a line from Prode and Prejudice where Mrs. Gardiner observes of Mr. Darcy: "There's something very pleasant about his mouth when he speaks." Coincidentally, Mr. Darcy's little sister is named Georgiana- a fact that did not escape mama when she was naming me.
Mama was dismayed to realize that a whole month has gone by and she hasn't dressed me up in any "Vintage Becky."
This was the dress mama came home from the hospital in. It was probably a little longer on mama as a newborn. June had her turn in this dress too.
Here's the wonderful blessed 4th nuk that I finally decided to take.

Even though it's hard to get a "touch-free" nap from me during the day, my night time sleep is great!
I consistently sleep from 4-7 hours at a time. Mama thinks this may having something to do with the fact that I continue to nurse at least 3 or 4 times between 8 and midnight.

Hey mama, when you're going to take an artsy photo, remember to clean out under the couch.

During mama's insomnia spells this summer, she made a bunch of initial t-shirts for all the new babies she knows. Here's my "G." Did we ever tell you that I would have been named George if I was a boy? That's why the "G" shirt was made well in advance.

Mama heard that some of the other kids liked their shirts so much that they immediately had huge diaper blowout. I decided to follow that trend.
Whoa! Why didn't anyone tell me my head was so big? But I am putting in the effort to catch the rest of my body up. Check out those thigh rolls! They weren't there a month ago!
After my photo shoot, I slept for a while until Henry saw that I was awake. His first concern was to cover my legs so i wouldn't get cold. (I was only 94 degrees outside today.) His next concern was to determine my preference. First, he presented me with 3 empty medicine cups. He said they were filled with water, milk, and juice. I picked milk. Next, he wanted to know which mode of transportation I liked best.
It's too hard to choose!

Looks like he's done this before. Remember when June was a baby? Blech, we forgot about that gross rash he had. Check out how much dark hair June had! Mama might have to set up a comparison of all of us at 1 month.