Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mason's Birthday- Henry.

After th ezoo on Sunday, we didn't have any time for naps because we had to head next door for Mason's birthday party.

We wrapped Mason's present in my old coloring pages and I wrote his name all by myself.Mason's mom and dad threw an awesome party with a superhero theme and great games.

There was a rousing game of Red Rover.

But I didn't want to play.

Mason's Iron Man was unstoppable.

This is one happy 4-year-old.

We all ate big pieces of cake.

And I chose to sit out the next game...

...Spiderman's web.

Looks like they caught Iron Man!

Next, they opened up presents. It was the fastest present opening we've ever seen. The whole stack was gone in about 4 seconds.

Soon after, June showed up straight from her nap. She busted up the cornhole game and terrorized all the four-year-olds.

We had to leave when she started grabbing handfuls of cake. Who invited this kid?
Here's a good video of Juner. She's actually starting to say some things. This week, she started imitating the mouthy shark and his creepy laugh.