Monday was a cold, rainy day, so we were stuck inside. (Well, everyone else was stuck inside. I was at school.) Since mama was trying to be the best Aunt ever (at least for this week since Oliver kept calling her Aunt Jenni), she called up Clemson's equine center to see if they could go visit. They were very nice and said we could come down for a tour.
Because little girls tend to get into trouble, they stayed home with Aunt Elizabeth while everyone was at the horse farm. In the afternoon, the big kids were getting restless and rowdy while the little girls slept. So we all went to the park, while mama stayed home with the girls. Little did I know they took the opportunity to sneak into the office and play with my trains!
Tessa is so fun right now. She's teeny and huggable and is even starting to say a few words. She probably has more than June. Plus she isn't a babbler like June so she's not as loud-unless some takes a toy from her. With two older siblings, she can really hold her own.
Not only did June try to mess up my train set, she wore my rain boots around all afternoon. And she wore this ridiculous outfit.
And for a few brief moments, both girls played together at the same toy without fighting. They may be cute, but they sure don't know how to share.
GG Grandma sent down 3 pounds of pretzels and 3 pounds of tortilla chips. With all these kids in the house, we've actually made a good dent in the pretzels, but needed help with the chips, so we declared that Taco Tuesday was getting bumped up to Nacho Monday. Us kids didn't want anything gross on our tacos, like beef or tomatoes, so we just had ours with cheese. Tessa stuck around to steal chips from her dad.
June sat in the chair and pouted that no one would give her nacho chips.
Put she perked back up once a jumping contest started. In the Seibert family, most of us are pretty uncoordinated (or otherwise hindered by young age). Look at me, after all. But we think June might turn out to be somewhat athletic. We think she's saying "Ready, set, go!" when she jumps.