Today we headed to the historic Moravian village for a Celtic Festival and Highland Games. We watched the Parade of Clans- these clans are based in the United Kingdom, but have been heavily influenced by southern culture. There were lots of "Real Men Wear Skirts" t-shirts and even one guy in Army gear but with a camoflauged kilt.
Little did Henry know, I went with mama to get the snow cone and ate the mound of frozen ice off the top of the cup.
Then we took turns posing with mama's drink- a slushie made with cherry syrup and Sun Drop. That's Irish if there ever was any.
This sums up the rest of our afternoon. I cried alot. Henry whined for hours on end. He refused to take a nap until mama told him he couldn't go out to supper unless he slept. He did finally fall asleep, but was woken up by a thunderstorm. Mama had to wake me so we could go to a coffee shop to meet our friends and watch a band. That was a royal disaster. Henry got a cookie and spent the whole time crying that he wanted a coffee and that he was still hungry. We finally ad to leave because Henry was disturbing everyone. Only because Chick-Fil-A was giving away free meals (with dessert!) to mothers did we even go out to eat. Henry perked up considerably when "chicky nugs," ice cream, and the restaurant playground were mentioned. When we got home, we were sent straight to bed. Henry proceeded to get out of bed 20 times, mostly to go into mama and papa's room to fetch books or to look out the window. Mama eventually got mad and put up a baby gate so he couldn't get out of his room. This didn't go over well. Something's got to give with this kid.
Here's something to lighten the mood. We tried to get a good video of me walking. It's certainly not going to happen with Henry around. That kid is intense.
Here's finally a good one. I think I'd be able to walk better if it didn't reduce me to giggles every time.