Friday, February 20, 2009

Birthday movies-Henry.

Here's the birthday moment. I was lucky enough to get to blow out the candles when June didn't know what to do.

We gave June the choice- birthday cake or the homemade biter biscuit mama made. (She didn't like the first batch and she doesn't like this one either.) Since June has never had a cupcake before, she didn't know how great it is. I knew it- so I tucked it in as fast as I could.

...but once she got a taste, there was no going back.

Finally, she got into the cake. And I got back to being a pistol and mama got back to telling me not to.

After the cake, June was too messy to keep those messy clothes on, so papa took the opportunity to take in some sweet Juner belly.

June's first 1st birthday party.

Nama and PawPaw showed up at our house last night. Today we went to the Science Museum and then decided to celebrate June's first birthday (a week early).
Juner got her first piece of cake. She was very leery of it.

She spent about 5 minutes regarding the frosting with disgust.

"I'm supposed to eat this thing?"

Once mama made her put her finger in her mouth, she decided it wasn't so bad.

Then the heavy eating began.
And the shoveling began.

Pretty pretty princess.
Good to the last crumb.

That's enough food coloring to last a lifetime.
After she cleaned up, Henry helped June open up some presents.

She got a book just like Sadie's that we've been wanting for a long time.

And a new sailor dress! Seriously, this is the most adorable thing we've ever seen.
And finally a doll house. Henry's first reaction? "Where are the cars? I'll go get some to park in it." June was very content to stuff her little people through the windows over and over.

Henry was wound up from his dessert. (When I asked him if he wanted two little cupcakes or one big cupcake, his obvious answer was "I want two little cupcakes AND one big cupcake. That's three cupcakes!" He had to settle for two little cupcakes and two little scoops of ice cream- which he ate whole.)
And to end the night, Henry got to have a movie night and watched "Great Mouse Detectives" with everyone.

The birthday cake-Juner.

Here's what mama came up with for my first 1st birthday cake. I'm assuming there will be more.

Our inspiration was my favorite toy. It plays songs when you push its feet.

And here's what mama came up with. That's a lot of food coloring. I can't wait!