Thursday, September 9, 2010

James' birthday party- Henry.

Well, we're a week behind in posting- again. Looks like mama needs to spend some much needed time devoted to the blog and less time nursing that baby. (She can dream, can't she?)
Our buddy James celebrated his 4th birthday with a Super Hero party at the park.
Everybody got a cape and a mask. And there were costumes for everyone to try on.
The party wasn't only for James, it was for his friend Emma too. So all the girls got to be Power Princesses. This especially thrilled June because she got a tiara and a magic wand. She carried that little pink wand around all day until she finally broke it. She was so upset about it that mama made her a new one out of a kebab stick and some pipe cleaners and beads.
Miss Kerri is so creative. She organized a scavenger hunt where all the super heroes had to follow clues to find Andy's kidnapped Piglet. I was pretty excited about this. Mama was glad because up until that point she had two clingy kids and a fussy baby all by herself.
We found Piglet!
Then it was time for cake. Andy was pleased with his super hero cake.
And look at Emma's cute costume. Is it any surprise that she had a Clemson cake? The party was on the same day as the Clemson home opener and everyone showed up in orange. Mama had to wear her orange Squeezebox shirt because Georgie barfed all over her Clemson shirt, but no one seemed to mind much.
Poor third kid. Just chucked aside on a lawn chair. Luckily, there were lots of other moms who wanted to hold her.
The cake was delicious! Mama didn't have any because she was full from the breakfast she went out to breakfast with Aunt Jenni (no kids). She wanted me to talk about it because now she finally understands the deliciousness of a good southern breakfast. They went to the Village Baker in Pendleton, a perpetual favorite because they stock lots of good Eastern European favorites like fresh rye bread (three varieties) and yummy pastries heavy on butter and poppyseeds. But on Saturday morning, mama and Aunt Jenni went in for the eggs, bacon, biscuits, and grits special. And they were the best grits mama has ever had. Extra heavy on the butter and pepper. GG Gramps, now she understands what you were talking about. To make things even better, when they were leaving, fresh pretzels were coming out of the oven. Just in time for Oktoberfest! Who knew we could love the Village Baker more?
Back to the party. While mama was thinking about those grits, the rest of us were loading up on delicious cake.
Then we had a birthday present exchange. Every kid brought a gift and every kid got a gift. It was fast, painless, and everyone went home happy. Miss Kerri, you are really so creative.
Junie continued to shower her affections on her tiara and wand.
When none of the adults were looking, Andy scored himself a bag of doritos. Mama made sure to get a picture before she took it away. Don't worry, he couldn't have gorged himself too much, because June and I already ate most of the bag.
We ended the party with some good swinging. That sweet baby Christopher and his chunky thigh rolls made everyone melt. He is so fun right now and super smiley. June's two favorite people are Christopher and his dad, Mister Tony. Every time we see them, drive by their house or even mention any member of their family, she bursts into song. "Christopher, Mister Tony, Christopher, Mister Tony,Christopher, Mister Tony." Occasionally, she adds in "Miss
Jew-ett" (Miss Juliet) and "Keats" (the dog). But she saves John to group in with James and Henry.

1200 posts!

Wow, that is a lot of free time spent blogging over the past 4 and a half years. And a lot of work mama has left to do to get 1200 posts put into book form. (Wasn't she supposed to start that project last year?)
We spent Saturday afternoon just hanging out and watching the Purdue-ND game. Georgie got in a good cuddle with her oldest cousin, who did a great job watching her all weekend.

Little did this sweet girl know what Aunt Jenni had in store.
Mama and Aunt Jenni were trolling their favorite website,, and came across this ridiculous thing called a baby cocoon. Mostly, it's the newborn photographer's newest way to torture a little girl. Aunt Jenni knew she could crochet one of these contraptions, and she set out to embarrass George. She didn't like it.

So they moved on to the next function- weird baby net.
Looks like we went shrimping and caught a baby instead.

We feel like this picture made Aunt Jenni's efforts worth it.
We call this shot "Quiet Resignation or ...Wait until I'm a Teenager and You'll Pay for This." Those are toes stuck up there by her head.
Later, we tried the cocoon again. This is the best we could get.
And when we were done torturing Georgie, Uncle Jim did his best Benjamin Franklin impression.
We were hoping for a few shots in the net with a sleeping baby, but Georgiana is increasingly alert. She wanted to stay up and play.
Evie built a bug that kept her attention for a long time.
To round out the afternoon, Aunt Jenni set up Georgie for her first beer picture. They grow up so fast.