Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We made it- mama.

I don't have any pictures to upload right now, but we made it to South Carolina and are now the proud owners of a house. The move couldn't have been easier (so far). The movers come tomorrow to unload our stuff and the new washer and dryer and guest bed are delivered Thursday. That's right, a guest bed. Book your vacations now.

To tide you over until we update again, here's a glimpse of what you'd see if you came to visit us in Clemson- Solid Orange Tiger Pride. Everything in this town is named after the Tigers.

Check out the Yahoo Yellow Pages listing here.

And if they are not officially named "Tiger," there's usually Tiger written on the side of the building. For example, the car wash was christened the "Tiger Bubble Bath." Some of my other favorites are "Tiger Nails," the "Bronze Tiger," (a tanning salon), and "Tigers Go!" (I don't know what they do). But the very best Tiger business went right after my heart when I saw their sign:
Now this is a tiger after my heart. Sure, on the weekends, he's out there rooting for the home team, but come Monday, it's back to work on the old tape machine. Mama vows that when she goes back to work, it will be for this business.