Saturday, November 20, 2010

Another try at the group shot.

Mama sent us out to try for another group shot.
The dead mums and the Camry are a nice addition, mama.
Two out of three.
This one isn't so bad.
Somebody loves his sisters.

This week- Henry.

Mama's new goal is to get a picture of all three of us.
She's given up all three of us smiling and is now just hoping for one of us all looking in the same direction.
Don't feel so bad Georgie. It could be worse...
June could be licking your head.
Now that Georgie is getting propped up more, we're dealing with an unexpected side effect- drool. We've had to start airing out those folds.
My school assignment for Monday was to draw something that started with an "F. I stressed out about it for almost an hour. "Draw a flower" mama said. Too hard! Finally, mama sat me down with a piece of paper and said "Draw anything! Just draw something already." So I drew Five Flowers and Four worms. That's 3 F words.

Then a Firetruck. (I don't know why Blogger keeps loading this picture sideways.)
And a Fish.
Another Flower. And a worm.
And finally a fire. Not bad for a kid who was worried about drawing.
It's been sort of a rough week for the Turner women. June's been suffering from a constantly runny nose. Mama got the flu again last weekend. Then she had three nights in a row where she couldn't sleep and went into severe zombie mode. (Luckily that was remedied by some Tylenol PM). Then she was worried that she got pink eye when one of her eyeballs turned bright red. Good news is that it is just some minor irritation. Plus, she got her stitches out of her back this week, so things are looking up.
Guess who's not having problems sleeping?