Saturday, June 12, 2010

Journey to Ney- Juner.

We narrowly avoided some pretty big storms and tornadoes in northwest Ohio on Saturday night. Henry was disappointed because Grandpa will usually take him around in the truck looking for damage right after the storm is over.
Driving up from Carmel, we drove right through Amish country (we saw 4 buggies) and right by Miss Megan and Mr. Scott's house. We stopped by to check out their playset, HUGE gardens (that's right, multiple gardens) and squeeze on sweet baby Lillie.
Baby Lillie is just about perfect right now. She's 11 months old and soft and cuddly and sits quietly in your lap. No sharp elbows or squirming. The only problem Henry had was that she kept trying to steal his puzzle pieces. Thanks for having us over and thanks for the green jello!
When we got to Grandma and Grandpa Seibert's house, our Seibert cousins were already there waiting for us. After supper, Grandpa let us all take turns driving the tractor. Grandpa said that he never touched the wheel when Henry drove because Henry spent the entire time making sure the wheels were going in the right direction and carefully maneuvering the tractor and wagon. Mama verified this later when she let Henry back the van up. He sat on her lap while she pushed the pedals. He backed up the van while turning, and told mama when to stop before she got to close the the garage, then told her to shift into drive so he could turn again to position the van to drive down the driveway. Mama might start letting him parallel park for her.
While one kid drove, the rest of us rode in the back. The big kids were in charge of letting Grandpa know if Tessa or I stood up. But we all stayed on our bottoms until the tractor stopped.
Aunt Elizabeth was nice enough to push me on the swing while I yelled "Higher! Higher!" nonstop.
The boys kept themselves busy loading rocks into the wagons with construction equipment.
On Tuesday, we visited Sauder's Village, a village full of historic buildings that were moved from all over the Black Swamp into this little park. Everyone dresses old-timey and practices crafts from way back when, like broom-weaving, tin-smithing, and coopering (making wooden buckets). They also have a working farm. We got to take a ride on a horse and buggy. Mama didn't get a picture because she was "in town" at the herb shop with Great Grandma Wagner.
No surprise that our favorite part was the only thing that wasn't old-timey- this little train that went around the village.
Everybody is on-board and ready to go! For the price of one ticket ($1), we were able to ride all day. We got two rides before we headed home.
While mama and Great Grandma were in the basement of an old house checking out the sauerkraut press, Grandma got us all chocolate chip cookies at the Doughbox! (From left to right: Natalie,5; Henry,4; Oliver, 3; Tessa, 1; and me, 2.)

Henry said he wasn't tired, but he spent a good amount of time cuddling Grandpa on the last train ride. When we got back to Uncle Kevin's house, we all took naps.
It wouldn't be a trip to Grandma Seibert's without haircuts. Henry had his in the driveway because there was a tractor in the field to watch.
He held very still, despite the fact that I played peek-a-boo with the cape.

That summer haircut looks pretty good!
I had my first official Grandma cut (remember mama cut it once last fall). They tried to get me to sit still with a sucker, but I chomped it quick and kept on wiggling.
Eventually, mama figured out that I'd hold still if she let me watch the videos on her camera. Mama was so happy to have my hair short again. Since it all grows forward from my double swirl (and 3 cowlicks) in the back, she was having a hard time keeping it out of my face.
The finished product. Have we talked about mama's "sticky cheek" theory? No matter how often she wipes it down, there is always dirt on my left cheek. She thinks I must secrete some kind of mucus, like a frog. It's probably more likely that snot and spit get all over my cheek when I'm brushing hair out of my face.

Thanks for the haircuts, Grandma!

The pool!- Henry.

The real highlight of being in Indiana was the pool in the Tallers' neighborhood. Mama and Junie got down there every time they could.

It took me a while to get back up to the comfort level I had last summer, but I did have a good time swimming. I liked jumping in on the condition that mama caught me before my head went under water. But if it did go under, I didn't mind it so much. (Don't be alarmed by the big brown sea monster- that's just mama in a bathing suit.)

I wore the swim vest most of the time and really liked floating on my back. The real surprise was that June turned out to be a total water bug. She loved being at the pool. and when she jumped in, she wanted to go under water. She already knows that special way to hold your breath so no water gets up your nose when you jump in. (Mama has never mastered that.) Every time she went under, she came up smiling.
The big news of the weekend was June's fearlessness. After seeing Evie jump off the diving board in the deep end of the pool, June insisted on getting to the edge. She climbed up and walked over the the board. Mama stopped her long enough to get a swim vest on her. She climbed the diving board and jumped right in the pool. (Don't worry, Aunt Jenni was there to catch her.) Count this as reason number 100 we aren't getting a pool. We'd never be able to keep June out.
Say, who's that other lady in the pool? That's mama's friend, Miss Elizabeth, who drove down from Chicago for the weekend to become the chief object of affection for 4 kids.

Not only was it great to see her, it was a break for all of our parents. No one wanted their mom or dad to do anything. They wanted Miss Elizabeth. and that included everything from sitting beside her at meals, to reading books, to wiping bottoms. All of which, Miss Elizabeth willingly performed. We think she had fun, but went back to Chicago thankful she doesn't have kids.

Every night, we'd have to pull June out because her lips were blue and her teeth were chattering.
But she just kept trying to get back in.

All four kids played amazingly well together. When we weren't out having fun, mama and Aunt Jenni threw us in the basement with all the toys. And we stayed down there for hours, having fun with only minor skirmishes.
Aunt Jenni lives in the perfect neighborhood for riding bikes. We got to ride on the sidewalk two houses either way. I commandeered the red tricycle and we never left the house without me riding it. I wish we had some sidewalks in our neighborhood (and a surface flat enough to ride a bike without losing control).

Occasionally, June would try to get away and I'd have to go get her.
Before we left, we tried to get a shot of all four kids. Fingers out, June!
Kiss your cousin!

Make a silly face!
Roar like a dinosaur!

Finally, we got a good one.

Mama and Miss Elizabeth only needed one try for their picture. Thanks for coming to visit us, Miss Elizabeth. And thanks Aunt Jenni and Uncle Jim for putting up with us for 5 days. We hope everyone caught up on sleep after we left.