Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pancake night- Henro.

Tonight, we decided to take it easy and make eggs and pancakes for supper (plus mama fell asleep during WordGirl, so she needed something quick).
I pulled out my apron and helped whip up the batter. Mama was very pleased she decided to drop the $1.40 on real pancake batter instead of trying to make her own pancakes from scratch. They turned out much better and extra fluffier. I take after my mother and had to sample the batter before we cooked the pancakes.

Then it was my job to time the eggs. Mama said I had to watch my timer very carefully so she knew when to flip them.

Since we took down the Christmas decorations, we were able to put up our new lamp. Like Grandpa Seibert, mama likes to see her food and thinks the new lamp really lights up the room. There's so much light that a few cars decided to park on the table runner.

11 months old-mama.

Today June is 11 months old.
She's recently come down with another cold, which although not as severe as the last, has left us all with the lasting impression of snot on our shoulders.

A couple notable accomplishments to note: I noticed today that June has mastered the "pincer," or can pick up things with her forefinger and thumb instead of shoveling food into her mouth as fast as she can. She's also enjoys putting things in and taking things out of boxes. It keeps her occupied for a good time and is especially useful when I'm trying to get supper ready and June is soooo hungry right now.

Finally, June can crawl and climb very quickly. We've had to become vigilant with the baby gates to prevent any accidents, because once June takes off, you got to move fast to stop her. Tonight we practiced sliding back down the stairs. Not as fun as crawling up.

And a few things that June doesn't do. First, she won't grow any teeth. June had 2 teeth when she was 5 and a half months old. And she still only has 2 teeth. She also refuses to walk with her walker. She won't even stand behind it. So we're going to have to get the cattle prod out and turn it up high if she's going to walk before her birthday.

On the subject of birthdays, Henry decided yesterday that since he shared a birthday with Natalie and Oliver, he would also like to share a birthday with June. How generous. When I told him that June already shares a birthday with Uncle Jim, he was not so pleased.