Monday, April 13, 2009

A productive Monday morning- Juner.

It's a wonder North Carolina doesn't have school year round. Because one week after Spring Break, they also call off school for Good Friday and "Holy" Monday. TJ's mom didn't get work off, so TJ came to spend the morning with us.
Mama loves it when TJ comes over because she sees the boys approximately twice all morning. They spent today building and rebuilding the train track and playing with the marble run. Mama never even had to resort to getting out the play-dough.

And mama had a double treat while the boys were playing because I slept in until 10 am! She was able to get some cleaning done and even dumped out all the toy bins in the middle of the floor and sorted everything out to where it belongs. How refreshing to know all the puzzle pieces are with their respective puzzles!

The boys even let me play with them for a little while, before retreating to the "train room," which had been blocked off by multiple baby gates.

Playing outside- Juner.

Yesterday was a beautiful day, especially considering that rain is predicted for the rest of the week.
After supper (the kids ate hot dogs and the adults ate beef tips in a red wine sauce- everyone deemed it a success), we all went out to play for a while. I rode on out army bike.

Henry tried to show me how to make it go.

Bu tI just wanted to sit and point at things, demanding that they be given to me.

Mama is considering throwing away all my other clothes because this is the cutest outfit ever. And look closely, Aunt Jenni, there are ruffles on the legs and sleeves.

Papa took this picture of mama. We call it "Just try and jump on the couch one more time and see what happens." or "How long has it been since I washed my hair?"

Easter eggs- Henry.

After my non-existent nap, papa ook me over to his school to watch some baseball. When we got back, Juner was still asleep (4.5 hours strong!) and mama had an activity for me.

This guy is excited to dye easter eggs!

This picture has nothing to do with eggs, but is the perfect example of Turner boy relaxation mode- tongue out and finger in belly button.
Mama had to help me a little, but we got all the eggs "painted."

The final product. They turned out pretty well, considering I didn't want to leave any of the eggs in the dye longer than 15 seconds.

The whole undertaking took less than 10 minutes. Too bad none of the Turner kids like hardboiled eggs.

After the eggs dried, we even had stickers to make some pretty funny eggs.

Easter Sunday- Henry.

We woke up bright and early on Easter to a wonderful sight- Easter Baskets. They were filled with the same easter eggs that mama has been recycling (with the same candy) for 4 eggs hunts now. But that didn't make them any less exciting.
Also in our baskets were chocolate bunnies! In a very out-of-character move, mama let us eat our bunnies for breakfast. But she did make us take off our church clothes first.

Mine was delicious!

Juner got a bright pink bunny in her basket. Mama did take pictures of the baskets, but forgot to turn on the auto-focus, so none of the pictures turned out.

June only made it half way through her bunny before giving up and demanding something not sugar-based.

But I, after remarking that this bunny has no head, made it through my whole easter bunny without taking a break.

Then I demanded that mama take a picture of the chocolate in my mouth so everyone would know I ate it.

After breakfast, Juner made a few calls wearing only her fancy underpants.

After the morning sugar fest, we headed to church for Easter Mass. We made the poor decision of arriving only 5 minutes early for the 10:30 Mass and were stuck standing int he back of church. I was very well behaved through the whole 90 minute service, but I did not want to be held and had to be taken out of church twice. Mama said it was more like penance than a celebration and declared that next year she would resume her tradition of attending the 3 hour Easter Vigil alone. But at least we got to sing all four verses of "Jesus Christ is risen today." I even tried to sing along with the "Alleluias."

After church we tried to get a nice easter picture, but Juner was not in the mood. She'd been sitting still too long. (Don't worry, this beautifully landscaped garden does not belong to us, but instead to our neighbor, Miss Pam. Ours is still pitiful with 3 blooming pansies and two dead bushes.)

We thought maybe a different pose would work.

And finally resorted to the steps. June refused to sit down, but did give us this adorable tush shot.

This is the best shot we got of Juner's Easter dress. It has little sheep embroidered on the front and those cute little black shoes were almost too much.