Sunday, October 24, 2010

Baby photo shoot- Georgiana.

Last weekend was our annual West Virginia vacation. All the Coopers packed up and met at our normal place up in the mountains outside Mt. Nebo. But this year, we rented the big cabin.
First order of business, take pictures of naked babies! For two mildly fussy babies (Dash barfs ALOT and I demand to be held all the time), you'd be surprised how happy we were when mama stripped us down and put us on the floor.
Dash is 11 days younger than me, but much smaller (you've heard mama's 5 week hypothesis).

By the looks of that belly, we think he'll catch up to me by Christmas.

Thanks to Aunt Jenni for crocheting this pretty blanket for me. It's very warm and we snuggle under it often.

And behind every photo shoot, there's a Henry hovering over.
He made me smile once by rubbing my head, so now he tries to do it all the time.
We got a couple smiles out of Dash. He's just starting to smile and they are hard to get out. Mama did get him to smile when she rubbed his ears when he was falling asleep. It was pretty sweet.

Videos from Marion- Georgie.

While we were at Grams and PawPaw's house, Aunt Katie and Sadie introduced us to yet another reason we should get a Wii- the game "Just Dance." It's exactly what it sounds like- a dancing game. And it's crazy fun. Sadie knows some of the moves and June just liked to dance along. While they danced, mama tried her hand at what it would be like to have twins. When Dash and I were, it wasn't so bad, but it got pretty overwhelming pretty fast.
I've heard about GG Gramps' famous horsie song and I was very excited to try it out for myself.