Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mama's handiwork- June.

We returned to Marion for one night to pick up Grams Cracker, as she agreed to come back to South Carolina with us for a few days. (Papa was holding her car for ransom, so she didn't have much choice.)
The Columbus Turners came up for a cookout and we had a fun time running around the yard.

Mama spent the majority of her camera time trying to get a picture of my new dress. When she was at the thrift store with Grandma, she came across this fabric for only 40 cents! Grandma said it was way too obnoxious, so mama decided to make me a dress from it, because she figures she only has a little while left before I refuse to wear awful clothes. It turned out awfully cute, if she must say so herself. She also made Henry a pair of construction boxer shorts that are equally loud.
Watch out, here comes the Tickle Monster!
Oh no, the Tickle Monster's only weakness is Uncle Adam!

Aunt Girl tried to teach me how to do a cartwheel. I had my own interpretation.

Grandma Seibert introduced Henry to the concept of "underdogs." He was eager to try it out on me.

Sadie and Henro both wanted to push me. It seems to me like I got the best deal of anyone.

My "precious"- Junie.

Miss Elizabeth traveled to India for three weeks this spring. Lucky for us, she was thinking of me when she did some shopping, as she sent me this very pretty dress.
I was skeptical the first time mama put it on, but now every time I see it, I insist that I wear it.
I was so cute, Grams insisted on taking me to Sears to get my picture taken.
For the first time ever, a Turner kid cooperated for professional pictures!
The entire process was actually enjoyable.
This one showcases my round teeth.
Somewhere along the line, someone must have said that I was precious in my dress, because I now refer to it as "My Precious." (One dress to rule them all.)
Mama made a deal with Henry that he could earn a dollar if he was good during the pictures. He gladly accepted her proposition, especially if it meant that he didn't have to have any pictures taken. He sat quietly, then held me hand and walked me around the store looking for shirts with animals on them.
He was so good, mama gave him a dollar and Grams gave him another dollar. He picked out a car and a set of Car movie swim goggles. I got a dollar and got a new horse.

Mama also got a bunch of new puzzle for Henry to earn. He's so excited to get them, he begged mama to let him vacuum up acorn caps in the yard. She agreed, but told him that he was only allowed to do chores if he took a nap. He asked "Do I have to eat a good supper too?" Of course, mama said. Apparently, we only let the most well-behaved kids perform manual labor in this house.
What a pretty little girl. Mama says that she hopes this new baby is a boy. She says I'm too cute for everyone's good and the last thing we need is another cute, charming girl. It certainly worked out well for me when I was awake at 10pm tonight and papa let me come downstairs to watch tv with him.

Speaking of the new baby, mama had her 32 week appointment this week. She's measuring 30 centimeters (you're supposed to measure 1 centimeter for every week). So that proves she's carrying low. The doctor said everything looks good, but wondered why mama looked so pale after being gone on vacation for three weeks. Mama told him that she's actually tanner than she's ever been in her life, and really, shouldn't he want her to stay pale?

Kids' Fest- Juner.

On our last day at Grandma and Grandpa's house, we decided to head over to Napoleon for a big festival sponsered by the Hospital and Campbell Soup.
When we got there, I spied pony rides! Since it looked like the whole shindig was going to get pretty crowded, we decided to get some free snow cones and wait in line before the lines got too long.

You can imagine how pumped I was to ride a horsie. Thanks, Uncle Kevin, for riding with me since pregnant ladies were not allowed near horses that might kick.
Natalie, my fellow "horsey girl," rode too.
Oliver rode, too, but no one could convince Henry to get on a horse.
We met up with mama's high school friend, Miss Mindy, and her family. Ethan is a year older than Henry and they always have a good time together being rowdy. (But it should noted that all kids were on their best behavior at the festival.)

Hannah is a few months older than June. They also have a little guy named Carter, but mama wouldn't put him down long enough to take his picture.
We played at the playground for a long time, but then the older kids decided they wanted to wait in line for some of the awesome inflatables. I waited with them for this enormous tiger. I climbed up the thirty feet all by myself and slid down the slide. Most of it was covered, so mama couldn't get any pictures, but she was impressed because Henry wouldn't try anything like this until he was almost 4.

Natalie, Oliver (or "Oviler" as Henry still calls him), and Henry wanted to wait to run through the inflatable train maze. Look at how tough they look.
Find anything up there, Oviler?
Finally, Natalie gave a nice smile.
When they got close, they shed their shoes and hats and started to get excited for the train.
Closer to lunch, things really started to get crowded so we headed to another park to eat our lunches. We played for a little while, then hit the road to head back to Marion.