Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More West Virginia pictures- Juner.

Mama forgot that she took both cameras on vacation and just found these pictures today.
PawPaw had to hold Henry to get him still for a picture.

X-treme BASE jumping stirs up an Xtreme appetite in Papa. Which can only be satiated by giant turkey legs.

My extreme appetite led me to eating dirt and glass.

Uncle Adam rocked it sling style. Those flowers look good on you.

The Turner family. You'll notcie that Henry is wearing two different colors of neon. That is totally on purpose in a crowd of 80,000.

Here's the best Cooper family shot. You can always guarantee at least one person is looking in the wrong direction.

Henry insisted on zipping up his vest on his own.

But PawPaw convinced him that he could help.

1 comment:

lesleymac said...


These are really good pics!
