Saturday, November 15, 2008

Some videos-Juner.

Aunt Jenni must be taking the Minnesota loss to the Badgers (2 safeties in the 4th quarter? Really?). So true to our bet (win- you get Juner, lose-you get Juner), here's a sneak peak to what you've got coming.

All I want to do is stand up- all the time. And scream. You'll notice that I also have a new sound. Now I can also say "Bababa" in addition to my pterodactyl screech.

When mama put us to bed tonight, we were not interested in sleeping. And the worst thing possible has happened- we've become really good friends. Which means we spend a good half hour yelling at each other before bed. Well, I stand up and scream while Henry lays in bed talking to me, but hoping mama won't come in and take away his flashlight.

Quote of the day: Tonight while mama ws helping Henry brush his teeth and washed his face becuase it was covered in the chocolate chips that papa snuck him. He asked what she was doing, to which she replied "I'm washing your face off." Henry exclaimed "Leave my face on!"

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