Sorry for the long stretch between updates! We headed back to Ohio for Thanksgiving and mama took a break from blogging for a while. Here's what we've been up to.
Before we had our Thanksgiving feast, we celebrated Henry's 3rd birthday! Henry was a little reluctant to put on the birthday cake hat until mama told him he couldn't open any presents unless it was on his head. Then he refused to take it off.
Henry got a lot of fun presents, but unlike prior years, he realized when there were more presents to open. Which meant he'd rip open a present, say thank you, drop it and look for more. (We assure all of you gift givers that he has had a chance to open up most of the presents now and they are a big hit.)
Mama was so pleased that Henry has started singing "Happy Birthday" to himself and joined in when the candles were lit in his honor.
Mama took every chance she could to get a cuddle in with Baby Sades. Sadie upped the cute factor by giving her new baby kisses.
We stuck around the Cooper's a little longer because mama wasn't feeling well (she ate so much junk food on Tuesday and Wednesday, she didn't even really get to enjoy the Thanksgiving meal, but she didn't enjoy sleeping the rest of the day). But we liked spending extra time with our GG's.
And in keeping with the season, here's the top 5 things we're thankful for at the Cooper Thanksgiving party:
1. That the kids went down for a nap before dinner was served so Mama and Papa got to eat without anyone demanding more jello.
2. That PawPaw has such an engaging basement filled with great toys. We probably saw Henry for about 2 hours all weekend.
3. That Henry's word knack has spilled over into nicknames for the whole family. Grandma is now "Grams Crackers" and PawPaw is now "Pawps."
4. Turkey, GG's cranberry jello, Aunt Tia's scalloped cabbage, Aunt Kate's Fruit Pizza, and Nama's Candy Sweet Potatoes.
5. That everyone was able to spend a great day with us!
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