Wednesday, December 10, 2008


We have a normal naptime routine at our house. Everyone heads upstairs, Henry tried to bargain with me to get June to sleep in his room. I refuse on the grounds that I want everyone to take the longest nap possible. Then Henry gets to play in the car room while I put June down for her nap in our bedroom. Afterwards, I let him play for a few more minutes before he goes down for his nap.

Today I walked into the car room and said "Two more minutes until nap." Henry replied "Five minutes." I then gave him the option of one minute or two minutes. Henry answered "What if i had one minute plus two minutes?" I told him if he could tell me how many minutes that equaled he cold play that long. He very quickly yelled "One plus two is three minutes!"

Henry is suddenly very interested in time (normally in the context of what time papa gets home and how long until that time) and adding on his fingers. We're pretty sure this means he's a genius. Too bad he will still only sings songs to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," including tonight's classic "Building, building, building, building."


Anonymous said...

That's a child after my own heart. Keep up the good work math genius. :)

Love, Meg

Sadie and Dash said...

my favorite song ever is "Building building building building"