Monday, December 8, 2008

Thanks a lot Stinkers.-June.

This weekend Mama and Papa were both sick with colds. Hopefully this is their Christmas cold, so they can be healthy over Christmas break. Since they were sick, Henry and I pretty much had the run of the house. We got to make a mess of everything and watch a ton of tv! It was awesome. They did manage to pull themselves together long enough to take us to the Winston Salem Christmas Parade. It was so much fun. Their main features were radio station trucks and marching bands. The band part of the marching band doesn't seem to be so popular, but the dance teams fith the marching bands were great! Most high schools just had a drum line and a dance squad. Mama's favorite band didn't even attempt to play, they all just danced while carrying their instruments. Grandpa, could you spin your tuba all the way around you when you were in marching band?

We didn't take our camera, but here's a link to the slideshow from the newspaper:

Mama was feeling better and was ery proud of the outfit I'm wearing today. We think Aunt Jenni would approve istead of giving us a hard time.
She was also feeling good enough to take us out to run errands. We had quite the adventure when we visited our post office (inside the Ace hardware store). They don't accept credit cards, so we had to visit 2 more stores to try and get cash, but they didn't have any (seriously!), so we walked across a big parking lot to the bank to cash a check, only to realize we lef the check in the van. So we walked back to the van, then back to the bank, cashed the check, then walked back to the post office, and bought 80 stamps for our Christmas cards. Mama was hoping the post office would have a meter to stamp our cards for us, but the post office is iside a hardware store, so really what could we hope for? Then we spent the next 15 minutes sitting on the floor of the Ace putting stamp on our letters. We were determined to get these finished! And it only took an hour and a half to make the first two stops!

We even made it to two more stores before mama decided she wanted to come home for a nap.

Finally, if you're looking for a last minute gift for mama, she's decied she wants the Snuggie. It's a big blanket/poncho with sleeves. Talk about stylish! And look at all the things you can do while wearing it! I think it would look good with her big pink house boots.

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