Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Back home-Mama.

We made it back to Ohio without incident. Now it's back to taking care of kids and trying to lose the 5 pounds I gained over Christmas break. We were going to head back to Winston, but papa talked us into staying longer so we could watch the National Championship game on PawPaw's big screen hi-def tv.
Gugger must have been working the whole vacation because this morning she helped move all the silverware from the dishwasher to the bottom drawer. What a helper.

Henry had a pretty quiet day. He's got quite a cough and though he's not showing many other symptoms, he must not be feeling great because he spent all day playing with his cars on the table (so June couldn't get them). He was feeling well enough to spend all day asking for big glasses of milk and cookies because he "has a cough."
June took advantage of Henry's chill and turned up the cute. She now bumps noses with Nama and open mouth kisses Aunt Girl. She was dressed up in a really pretty dress, but after a really messy supper, she was stripped down to her tights.

Look at that big belly. We may be biased, but she is the prettiest baby EVER.

An action shot for posterity.

Look at how all of the ornaments are moved up two feet on the tree. Wonder which 10 month old caused that?

June is also started to stand on her own for a second or two at a time. Actually, I never see it, but everyone else tells me she is.

Vacation was fun, but it's really nice to be home with these two goofballs.

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