Monday, January 19, 2009

Long weekend- Henry.

It was a pretty quiet weekend. Mama pawned us off on papa as much as she could so she could hit the gym. It's funny how great a two hour workout sounds when it means some alone time.

Mister Paul and Miss Susan came over to watch football with us (I hate seeing the Steelers in the Super Bowl). While mama was making some great Thai food for supper, Miss Susan volunteered to give Juner a bottle. I wanted to help so we all climbed in for a tight squeeze.
The mood shifted for the better when Papa and Mister Paul gave into their urges and bought the 50 pack of chicken nuggets at McDonalds. They wanted to buy two but mama said no because she was already making supper.
It's all over the news tonight that the Piedmont is expecting 1-3 inches of snow within the next day. As you can imagine, the entire area is in hysterics. Mama is trying to fit in with the local culture so she also undertook her usual presnow routine. Which involved dressing in a few layers of fleece, heading to the basement (but since we don't have one, the TV room will do), and warming up with a choice libation. In this case, a cherry brandy Old Fashioned made with the brandy soaked cherries from Aunt Jenni and enjoyed in the great Old Fashioned glasses we got for Christmas. Mama's hoping that this guarantees a snow day tomorrow, but we're not holding out hope that it won't just rain all night.

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