Sunday, January 25, 2009

North Carolina Transportation Museum-Henry.

Yesterday when I woke up, mama and papa had a big surprise! We were going to visit the train museum!
We packed our lunch and loaded up the van to head to Spencer, the home of the North Carolina Transportation Museum. The first item on the agenda- ride an old passenger train.

Mama and Juner were very exited for the big train ride. Maybe it's because scenes from the movie Leatherheads were filmed on this train. George Clooney and Jim from the Office? That's enough to make anyone smile.

Of course we think June is beautiful, but we're also aware that kids go trough awkward stages (mama's started at 7 and hasn't let up yet). We tried to figure out what was going on with June and we realized her hair is pretty much a disaster. But in an effort to encourage certain feminine aspects, mama and papa decided to let it grow for a while. So now they pull it back with hair clips. Mama thinks these are kind of fussy, but they get the job done.

We boarded the train and were pleased to see that we weren't the only kids dressed in costume. Juner wore my old conductor overalls and mama told me I could only ride the train if I wore my conductor hat.

As werode the train through the grounds, mama and Juner were very interested to hear about the historic buildings. Some were always here, others were purchased and moved to the site.

I was happy looking out the window at the little town of Spencer.

Soon, June got tired of paying attention and decided to play with papa for a while.
Mama waited until after she got this shot to remind me to keep my mouth off of things.
The town of Spencer was lucky enough to become a repair hub for the railroad because it lays exactly halfway between Atlanta and Washington DC.

Mama's favorite part of the whole complex was the motto on the workshop. An admirable logo for anyone, she says. She wants to get this picture blown up and hang it by the front door.

Another remarkable landmark is the largest operating roundtable in the United States. It turns train engines so that they can park in any of the 37 stalls in the Round house. It's like a big parking garage for trains.

We got to ride the turntable then head into the Round House. About 10 of the bays are still used to restore trains. The rest of the building houses some great exhibits. We didn't get see all of them in detail because by that time we were all overdue for naps.

But we did make it a point to spend time at this great model train exhibit. It's got everything, including a tunnel and a bridge.

We had a great time and papa says we can come back again.

1 comment:

lesleymac said...

Hank & June-

I'm soooo glad that you guys had a GREAT time at the museum!

We took the kids here also when they was little. We all enjoyed it so much.
