Friday, January 30, 2009

Papa come home...

...because at about 6:30 pm, mama starts getting grumpy.

Tonight I was helping mama clean out the dishwasher and found a dull cheese spreader. I declared it "my knife" and insisted on cutting all my food. Luckily mama has a special kid knife that she let me use. I cut my hot dog but it was a little wiggly.

When mama helped it was a little easier. Then she let me cut up my pear all by myself.

After supper, we put puzzles together while Juner played with her toys. It was fun except mama got upset every time I screamed and threw my puzzle pieces in the air.

When June got tired of her baby toys, she headed top the best toy in the house- the light sensor night light. She's been warned about a half million times by everyone in the house that it is not a toy. Then she figured out how she could turn the light on by covering up the sensor in the front. She'll usually play with that for about 4 minutes before she goes back to trying to yank it out of the wall.

1 comment:

lesleymac said...


I soooo PROUD of you for cutting up your own food. Especially that wiggley hot dog. Heehee


Please be careful, that will 'bite' your little fingers!
