Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Best friends-Juner.

Henry ate a good supper last night, so mama let him have a bowl of "ice cream" (or frozen pudding pops that got pulled off the stick trying to get out of the mold).
And Henry is such a great big brother, he shared his bowl with me.

As long as I stood by his chair and yelled, he was ready with a bite for me.
Here's hoping neither of us have a cold.

For those of you wondering, potty training is not going. Tonight after our bath, Henry told mama that he had to poop. She asked if he wanted to sit on the potty. (No pressure- just asking.) Henry proceeded to have a panic attack of monumental proportions. Honestly, we think Henry is preventing himself from pooping just so he doesn't have to sit on the potty. And we haven't even really been asking for the past two weeks. We're beside ourselves. Does anyone have suggestions for potty training a kid who just doesn't want to do it?

On a good note, today Henry came home to the news there was a baby asleep upstairs. We were watching our friend Baby Audrey while her mama and sister when to the doctor. Upon hearing the news, Henry asked if this was the baby he was giving his nukies to. So apparently the promise of a big train track present is starting to work. Now all we need is the big train track from Aunt Jenni and a sweet new baby from Miss Karen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Huggy Babe
You. have the greatest Big brother.
He is going to be your HERO!