Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pictures from Aunt Girl's camera- Henry.

Here are some more pictures from the week that we nabbed from Aunt Girl's camera.
She had plenty of good pictures from the park on Monday. Unfortunately, the rain started on Wednesday, and in true North Carolina fashion, it's been gray and drizzly since.

We wish we would have taken a picture of June after the playground. She was filthy!

No stairs can keep Juner down.

Aunt Girl calls this picture "fierce."
Mama gets her picture taken instead of just taking pictures. June may actually be a kid who likes to wear hats. She keeps getting this one out of the closet and wearing it around the house. For 3 seconds at a time before she takes it off.

June hitched a ride from Big Anthony during a visit to Wake Forest. The college ladies loved it.

On Wednesday, we headed to Spencer to visit the train museum. A midweek visit was great because we essentially had the whole place to ourselves.

Mister Anthony dreams big and can't wait for the weather to get nice so he and PawPaw can get their motorcycles out and go cruising. Mama shook her had and mumbled something about having a death wish.

Here we are posing in front of an old steamie.

June wants to be an engineer.

I climbed in the caboose to learn about what a caboose does. I told mama that someone has to sit in the back of the train to "watch for problems."

Finally, on Thursday, the rain continued, but didn't stop mama, Big A and Girl from heading down to Olde Salem to check out the originally Moravian community. While they were in search of sugar cake and those yummy flat sugar cookies, they came across a locally famous "sculpture" made of borrowed ladders that represents the community of Winston Salem rising up. Get it, ladder? Rising up? Sigh- modern art.

1 comment:

Jillian said...

I miss you all so much already!!