Monday, March 2, 2009

We made it.

In the words of Car Movie- "Thank the manufacturer; you're alive!"

We're glad to report that we made it through the night and still have the appropriate number of limbs and appendages. We did lose electricity for a while, but luckily, we were all wearing our fleece jammies and sleeping under our thick down comforter. Well, Henry just slept in a t-shirt and shorts, but that kid is on fire.

We ended up only getting 2 inches of snow, but it's a very warm snow that is sticking to everything, including the power lines, so even as I update the blog, the power has gone out two more times.

Henry is pretty excited about the prospect of clearing off the back deck with his dump truck and woke up this morning screaming "It snowed! It snowed!" June, has stuck to her southern sensibilities and thinks we should stay inside.

We're going to attempt to walk the half mile to the doctor's office (they were just delayed, not closed) this morning. I'm sure no one plowed the sidewalks, but there are a lot of dog walkers on our street, so there should be a path.

We just got a call from Miss Susan over in Greensboro and she says they got 5 inches! She said that when they found out their work was canceled (last night), they walked to the store for beer and milk. (This is why we like them so much.) Hopefully the road situation clears up and we can all get together for a real hootenanny.

Pictures are coming soon.

1 comment:

The Seibert Kids said...

We are glad you made it. We were just about ready to send out the Saint Bernard dog with a flask of wiskey around its neck. (Jenni's idea not mine.)