Saturday, April 25, 2009

Friday in Greensboro- Juner.

Yesterday we took advantage of the nice weather and headed to Greensboro to the Natural Science Center. We happened to catch Miss Susan on the one afternoon that she isn't working or in class, so we made her come along with us. I showed her my little house.

And she brought me some groceries.
We headed outside to their little zoo and Henry conquered this huge beetle!

The lemurs were out and acting funny.

And even humored Henry a little. But Henry didn't care as much about them as he did about getting to see the two Bengal tigers. When we got there, he had very specific instructions about where we all had to sit and watch the tigers.

Before we left, we had to go down to the basement to check out the two headed turtle.

They say that it shouldn't have lived past being born, but it's ten years old.

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