Sunday, May 3, 2009

Gracie's soccer game- Henry.

Mama was named the unofficial photographer of Gracie's soccer team- the Purple People Eaters. So yesterday morning, we got up and braved the light sprinkles (everyone there sat under umbrellas the whole time and it never rained- don't get us started) to go see Gracie play some soccer.

She tried to get some action shots for the video yearbook Mister Andy is going to make, but three-year-old soccer mostly looks like this.

Or it involves a little kid goofing off. This one spent most of the game singing into a dandelion.

This guy is the star of the team or at least the only one athletic enough to run and kick a ball at the same time.

Miss Becky grabbed Juner for a little fun.
What a pretty girl.

The four loudest kids on the block.
Mama and Miss Becky are counting the days until Gracie and I go to 5 day a week, 6 hour a day summer preschool. It's going to be the best summer ever!

Gracie gets some direction from Mister Andy.

Gracie's pretty good at soccer and ever scored a goal, but she was also very willing to sit out whenever she got the chance.

Audrey and I made a great cheering section. I was mildly interested in the game, but spent more time pretending to sleep on the blanket and yelling at people for waking me up.

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